Sales/Money button

So something like this (excuse bad sketch)

And would directly take you to this page (Maybe default would be Sales)

I think that’d be a nice navigation feature :slight_smile:

Yes. Please do this.

Just another thing I wanted to say, could we get a ‘Advertising’ link/button on the left hand side? I can’t actually get to the advertising page currently! :frowning:

(If you know how do tell)

[quote] Just another thing I wanted to say, could we get a ‘Advertising’ link/button on the left hand side? I can’t actually get to the advertising page currently! :frowning:

(If you know how do tell) [/quote]

Develop -> Ads (on the center-side column)

Advertising is under Develop.
Sales and other $ stuff is under Trade.

[quote] Advertising is under Develop.
Sales and other $ stuff is under Trade. [/quote]

Based on the OP, it already seems that he knows how to get to it, and that he’s just asking for a shortcut to it. I frequently check my sales (just to be happy about the pages and pages of those who took my anchorable seat : o), so a shortcut would be nice.