Sampling Terrain Water Height at Any Position

I don’t see your time being wasted. By releasing it your allowing many games on Roblox to have better oceans or bodies of water in general. By your logic spending your valuable time on something for others to enjoy would be a waste of time and I disagree. I understand if you make it cost money because I’m sure you would want the long amount of time you took to result in more than just others using your project without credit. Although releasing it for free would make me and many others very happy.

It would be nice if we got an update on the system as well.

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Ok, what is the pricing?

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Hey, so it’s been a while since I’ve actually looked back at this project, I’ve decided I’m just going to release the kit for free, I’m going to make a post and I’ll link it here so you guys can grab the kit for yourselves.


Thanks gng :heart:

I’ll make sure to credit you too.

Just made the post, for anyone trying to nab this boat system, the link below provides all details, thanks for being so patient :pray: