Written by DrxpLoxs
Scripted by DrxpLoxs
Grammar Terribly done by DrxpLoxs
Step 1 - Section 1
Create your Bot Account and Rank it in your group.
Step 2
GLITCH.com head there and make a account.
Step 3
remix this
Step 4
Once at the remix page you remixed. Go to settings.json.
Modify cookie to your Bots Account Roblo Security Cookie. Then create a custom key so no one can send custom requests to the site to get free ranked or somthing
Step 5
Go to the cookie file and modify cookie and put your Bots Account Roblo Security cookie there.
Congratulations you finished the Web Development side of this.
Step 6 - Section 2
Open the .rbxl file you got from me im_sams modify everything in the folder called configure.
Step 7 - ** How to add a rank**
Open rank 1-6 any one of them works. Max is 6 unless you modify the code which we highly do not advise.
Rank1 Gamepass Name
RankID Gamepass ID
GroupID RankID user is ranked to
RankEnabled If the rank is for sale or not.
–premium only–
RankDesc Description for the gamepass
–premium only–
Step 7
In module.Key() put in the KEYHERE Text your Custom Key you put in webfiles.
in module.Domain() put the Domain example roblox-admin.glitch.me put the roblox-admin part there. with glitch.me at the end. Find that part in live url on glitch.me
Do rest yourself, Self understandable.
Need us to do it for you? Message drxploxs#0001, 200 R$ Fee for are hard time.
Thanks for reading! hope to have you as a wonderful customer!