San Francisco in Roblox

Hello, I am currently making San Francisco in roblox 1:1, I already posted about this before, I would like some ideas on how to fill so many spaces with fast and detailed building, that wouldn’t cause lag, becuase if I make it exactly as in real life that would be extremely laggy, thank you in advice! God bless you!
Here picture of the map:


I don’t really have any ideas, but I just wanted to make a comment. It’s pretty cool seeing this post because it reminds me of my crazy idea of making a whole country or even the world. I remember thinking about it so much lol.


Hehe, I think making a country is pretty hard, but a city is not as hard as that.


When you say 1:1, do you mean that if a road is say, 30 feet across it’ll be 30 studs across?
Can you turn on StreamingEnabled in workspace?

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Well, with 1:1 I mean it’s gonna be the most accurate possible, I mean the roads are exactly in the same position as in real life.


What’s the scaling for it? 1 stud = 1 foot?
(That’s what I was trying to ask, just worded it poorly.)

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Currently, I am making the layout using a decal with a baseplate which is the maximum size in roblox, but I’ll make it bigger when I finish, So I am going to find a scale for it.

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That makes sense.

But yeah, this is really cool. Do you have StreamingEnabled on in workspace to take away from the lag a little bit?

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No, currenty I don’t have it enabled, but I am planning on doing it tommorrow.

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it’s super good and cool creation ! i think that you can hire blender builder to build few kinds of buildings and fill the space with this buildings !


this is pretty cool, reminds me of the tie when people tried to build a replica of the world in minecraft,


If your not bothered about interiors to the buildings, you can use blender to create accurate buildings with a low part count, as in roblox it is essentially one part (when you import it as a .obj for a mesh). This only works if you don’t want interiors - however, you could create parts (e.g. the front, top, sides) in blender and then piece them together to form an encasing around a hollow inside. If you wanted a mix of decoration buildings and functional buildings I would just say:

  • Use blender for the ‘dummy’ buildings (the placeholder ones)
  • Just build in studio for the ones you want to have interiors, unless thats all of them.

If its an even (ish) mix this would be fine, otherwise probably use blender for the all (if more are functional) as it would lower part count.


Thank you for your answer I’ll see what I can do in blender, once I finish the layout, anyways, does anyone have idea of how I could build the slopes?

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Hey there! I’m going through something similar. I’m building Helsinki. There are two ways I know to fix lag. Option A) Make separate games. The roads could just end with big black walls that you walk through to go to another area.
Option B) Don’t make it detailed.

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Yes, I was planning to make it like a block with windows but make it detailed, althought, the landmarks will be detailed, like the painted ladies.