Sanitized ID problem in Team Create?

I’m working for a game that isn’t mine and can’t see the animations and I also get that god forsaken error.


If the animation wasn’t uploaded by you, you wont be able to see it. Fortunately, It will work inside the actual game.


will this ever get fixed in the future? I’m trying to use anims I definitely have permissions for but because I didn’t upload them, they don’t work

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I believe the only way is if the game is owned by a group, and you’re ranked high enough in that group.

You could ask the animation uploader for the animation and you could upload it yourself, just use a script to know which ID to use for that speciifc animation

Roblox should fix this, I think it must be a recent issue because I don’t remember this happening before

This makes team create unusable if you don’t have a group to upload the animations to, just errors everywhere and broken animations trying to work in studio if you aren’t the owner of the game

You guys have said that the animation needs to be owned by the group that owns the game- I fixed that on my end since I had it wrong earlier, but I’m still getting the exact same problem. Any tips, or is it just a Roblox thing?

This is really dumb and I don’t know how it hasn’t been addressed yet. If I’m in the Team Create, I should be able to access animations and audios of the owner who created it, in that place.

Bumping so this can be addressed.