Game Rules
In Game Rules.
➤1.01 - Roleplaying sexual assault (such as non-consensual touching, rape, etc.) is not allowed and will result in an immediate ban.
➤2.02 - Suicide RP and Terrorism RP are not allowed.
➤3.03 - No RDM/VDM. RDM (Random death match): killing/attempting to kill without intent and roleplay. VDM (Vehicle deathmatch): using a vehicle to kill/attempt to kill without intent or roleplay.
➤4.04 - Meta-gaming is not allowed. Meta-gaming: the act of using out-of-character/external information for in-game situations.
➤5.05 - No exploiting or hacking. This includes: AFK farming, abusing in-game bugs, etc. This will result in an immediate ban
➤6.06 - Follow the NLR rule. NLR (New-Life Rule): if you character is hurt in a way in which they cannot survive (headshotted, burned to death, etc)
➤7.07 - Follow FearRP. FearRP: fearing for your life. For example, if you are alone in an alleyway and 4 gang members hold you at gunpoint and you cannot escape without dying, you must follow FearRP.
➤8.08 - Do not FailRP. Due to the mechanics of Roblox, things that are completely unrealistic and down right impossible to do are easily done while in game.
➤9.09 - Combat logging will result in an immediate ban. For example, logging out to avoid jail consequences or respawning without permission while in an RP situation can result in a ban
➤ 10.01 - LTAS leaving to avoid staff will result in an immediate ban. For example, Getting Jailed by a staff member and leaving instantly
➤ 10.02 - LTAP Leaving to avoid Punishment will result in an immediate ban. For Example, Getting Stopped by a staff member for RDM and Leaving the game.
Ban Appeal
This Discord server is the support and appeal server for Santa Monica California, you must join it in order to create In-Game Admin support tickets to appeal your ban, or for assistance in game.
You must wait a month before appealing your ban unless you think the ban was a mistake.
Expect your appeal to be reviewed within seven days upon submission.
Exploiting bans are permanent and cannot be appealed.
Do not lie when submitting an appeal as we have logs of everything, doing so will result in your punishment worse.
Moderator Command List
:resetview - resets the players view to normal
:face - Allows you to put any Roblox face on a player
:unfly - Disables fly
:unsparkles - Removes sparkles from a player
:musiclist - Shows a list of songs you can play
!getscript - Allows you to buy Adonis
:pnum - Tells you the number of players in your server
!notepad - Gives you a pad to put notes on
!client - Brings up a dashboard of info about the game and Adonis
:nofog - Removes fog
:uncolorcorrect - Fixes the view of the game to what it originally was
:puke - Makes the player puke
:hole - Sends the player through a black hole and kills them
:cape - Gives the player a cape
:smoke - Gives the player smoke effects
:chatnotify - Sends a red message to the targeted player
:thaw - Unfreezes the player from the ice
:freecam - Freezes the player and allows you to look around
:lock - Does nothing
:hcountdown - Sets a countdown on the top of everyone’s screen
:mat - Makes the targeted player a material of your choosing
!credit - Shows credits to Adonis
:changelog - Shows what has changed to Adonis
:animation - Puts an animation on the chosen player
:waypoint - Shows the targeted players waypoint
:ghostify - Turns the player’s body clear like a ghost
:countdown - Creates a countdown on the bottom left of everyone’s screen’
!rejoin - Makes you rejoin the game
:trip - Trips the player
:removepackage - Removes any packages on a player
:stickify - Turns the player into a stick figure
:unfire - Removes fire from a player
:sceleratis - Makes the player into a skeleton with a squid on their head
:god - Makes the player invincible
:view - Shows the targeted players view
:spin - Spins the player
:players - Shows a list of players
:headlian - Removes your head and adds a face to your body
:poison - Poisons the player
:skeleton - Turns the player into a skeleton
:unchat - Does nothing
:flatten - Makes a player flat
:unslippery - Makes the player not slide
!example - Tells how to look at commands
:volume - Changes how loud or quiet the audio playing is
:unsunrays - Removes sun rays
:locallog - Shows the logs of the players body
:details - Explains game details
!clean - Does nothing
:removehats - Removes the players hats
!help - Does nothing
:viewcam - Does nothing
:jump - Makes a player jump
:taudio - Gives the players audio that follows them around
:unbunnyhop - Makes you not jump continuously
:unrope - Does nothing
:vibrate - Does nothing
:fview - Makes you or the target see another player’s view
:unguiview - Does nothing
:capes - Gives a list of capes
:waypoints - Shows the waypoints
:rainbowify - Makes the players skin tone change colors
:oddliest - Does Headlian then puts a sign on them that says “Kick Me”
!info - Brings up the Adonis dashboard
:fixplayerlighting - Fixes the players lighting
:clearguis - Does nothing
:unname - Does nothing
:neon - Makes the player neon
:tell - Tells a player a private message
:fov - Stretches out the players screen
:unblur - Does nothing
:clickwalk - Wherever you click, you go
:removelimbs - Makes the player fall apart
:errorlogs - Shows errors
:cameras - Does nothing
:noclip - Allows the player to walk through walls
:light - Makes the color selected glow around the player
:flynoclip - Allows you to fly and use no-clip at the same time.
:ungod - Removes invincibility from you
:startertools - Does nothing
:afk Sets your status in-game to AFK
:mpm - Sends a private message to a chosen player
:shadows - Allows you to toggle on/off of shadows
:unseizure - Stops you from having a seizure
:createdparts - Does nothing
:bchat - Chat using chat bubbles
:oldflatten - flattens certain parts of the targeted player
:shiney - Makes the chosen player shine
:startergive - Gives a tool to the chosen player
:undeadlands - Does nothing
:ice - Freezes the player
:info - Gives player info
:heal - Gives player all their health back
:unfreecam - Stops free cam
:music - Plays the music of your choosing (Turn music off when you leave)
:unparticle - Removes particles from a player
:unphase - Gives back the players hair, hats, and accessories
:creeper - Puts a part on your back with no texture or color
:clickteleport - Allows you to click on anything, and teleport
:untrack - Stops you from tracking a player
:clip - Disables no-clip
:respawn - Sends the person back to their spawn
:uncharaudio - Stops audio on your character
:piano - Gives the player a virtual piano
:invisible - Allows you to disappear
!pets - Does nothing
!donate - Allows you to donate Robux to the owner of Adonis
:shirt - Changes the shirt of the targeted player to what you set it as
:bighead - Gives you a big head
:unlock - Does nothing
:time - Does nothing
:fogcolor - Sets the color of the fog
:freeze - Stops the player from moving
:joinlogs - Tells you who join and who left
:rarm - Changes the player’s right arm to what you set it as
:freefall - Teleports you to the height chosen and makes you fall
:sfling - Creates bombs to the number chosen and makes the player sit
:phase - Makes the player’s hair, hats, and accessories fall off them
!agents - Does nothing
:tp - Teleports the player to the other player chosen
:nograv - Removes the player’s gravity
:jpower - Controls how powerful the players jump is
:pm - Sends a private message to the chosen player to the bottom left
:unjail - Does nothing
:oambient - Does nothing
:fix - Does nothing
:sparkles - Gives the selected players sparkles
:uncape - Removes any cape on the selected player
:lleg - Changes the players left leg to what you set it as
!keybinds - Shows the Adonis dashboard
:shrek - Turns the player into Shrek
:unloopfling - Removes loopfling from the player selected
:dogg - Turns the player into snoop dogg
:color - Changes the players color to what you set it as
:torso - Changes the player’s torso to what you set it as
:give - Does nothing
:larm - Changes the players left arm to what you set it as
:talk - Makes another player say, what you’ve written
:pants - Changes the players pants to your choice
:swagify - Puts a red suit on you with a cape
:fly - Allows you to fly
!quote - Creates a random quote for everyone to see
:unstun - Does nothing
:k1tty - Makes the player turn into Hello Kitty
:grav - Does nothing
!ping - Shows your ping
:servers - Shows servers
:to - Allows you to teleport to players (Ask for their perms to teleport)
:bunnyhop - Makes you jump constantly
:nyan - Turns the player into Nyan Cat
:insclear - Does nothing
:bring - Brings the player of your choice to you (Ask them first)
:breakdance - Makes you breakdance with sparkles
:char - Can change into any player (Ask perms to use other peoples avatar)
:makecam - Does nothing
:colorcorrect - Changes the color, brightness, and etc of the player’s screen
:sp00ky - Turns the player into a skeleton
:unlightingeffect - Removes lighting effects
:infect - Makes you infected and turns you green
:uneffect - Removes effects from a player
:fr0g - Turns the player into a rainbow frog
:unpunish - Does nothing
:timebanlist - Does nothing
:clear - Does nothing
:particle - Gives the player particles
:track - Allows you to know where a player is at
:serverinstances - Shows the servers events
:break - Does nothing
:unsmoke - Removes smoke from the chosen player
:resize - Changes the player’s size
:ff - Makes a force field around the player selected
:dance - Makes the player dance
:tools - Does nothing
:visible - Makes you reappear from invisible
:unpin - Does nothing
:seizure - Makes the player move all over the place like a real seizure
:sh1a - Changes the player chosen into Shia Labeouf (Just Do It Guy)
:screenimage - Makes an image appear on the player’s screen
:starterremove - Does nothing
:speed - Changes the player’s speed to what you choose
:rleg - Changes the player’s right leg to what you choose
:unbloom - Does nothing
:charaudio - Creates audio on the player and follows you around
:package - Does nothing
:cmds - Gives you a list of commands
:unlight - Removes the color glow from the player
:dog - Turns the player into a dog
:control - Gives you control of the player you choose (Ask permission first)
:setgrav - Changes the player’s gravity to your choice
:fire - Makes fire particles on the player you choose
:rank - Does nothing
:unloopheal - Stops loopheal from the selected player
:smallhead - Gives the player a small head
:shuffle - Allows you to go through a playlist of songs of your choosing
:disco - Creates a flashing color on everyone’s screen
:delwaypoint - Removes the chosen players waypoint
:goldify - Turns the chosen player into gold
:outlines - Does nothing
!donors - Does nothing
:sunrays - Does nothing
:stopmusic - Stops music played from a Server Host
:replications - Does nothing
:unthermal - Does nothing
:slippery - Makes the player slide all over the place
:brightness - Changes the player’s brightness on their screen
:unff - Removes ff (Force Field) from the selected player
:cmdbox - Creates a GUI where you can execute commands in
!join - Allows you to join a chosen players server
:hat - Puts a hat of your choice on a player of your choosing
:noobify - Turns the player into a noob
:h - Sends a message on the top of everyone’s screen
:sit - Makes the targeted player sit
:refresh - Respawns the player
:fling - Flings the chosen player
:sbl - Shows Synced Ban List
:m - Shows a message in the middle of everyone’s screen
:unglitch - Does nothing
:n - Sends a message in a box towards the middle of the screen
:unchar - Removes the chosen players outfit that they morphed into
:clientinstances - Shows the chosen players info and events
!usage - Shows prefixes for commands
:loopheal - Allows the chosen player to constantly heal
Thanks for viewing the official Santa Monica California Public Handbook!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a High Rank.
UPDATED: 3/19/23
UPDATE LOG: Coming Soon