I am currently working on a server-startup auto tree planter that currently determines the location of each sapling
The issue I am currently having is that whenever I run the script, the locations are out of bounds of where they should normally be (which is underneath a designated part, dubbed the “ranger”):
I look at my initial math computations, and there shouldn’t be any errors (correct me if I’m wrong).
local Ranger = workspace.Rangers.Ranger
local saplings = {}
local unitAmount = 300
local unitCount = 0
local saplingSpace = 50
function RangerPlanter()
local RangerX = Ranger.Size.X
local RangerZ = Ranger.Size.Z
local faults = {}
while unitCount <= unitAmount do
local PlaceX = math.random(-RangerX/2, RangerX/2)
local PlaceZ = math.random(-RangerZ/2, RangerZ/2)
local PlantPoint = Instance.new("Part")
PlantPoint.Shape = "Ball"
PlantPoint.Size = Vector3.new(10,10,10)
PlantPoint.Anchored = true
PlantPoint.BrickColor = BrickColor.Blue()
PlantPoint.CFrame = Ranger.CFrame * CFrame.new(PlaceX, -2, PlaceZ)
PlantPoint.Parent = workspace
--Raycasting for planting to check if surface is possible
local direction = PlantPoint.Position - Vector3.new(0,1000,0)
local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(PlantPoint.Position, direction)
PlantPoint.Position = RaycastResult.Position
--check to see if ball is too close to other ball
local rangeFault = false
for i, v in pairs(saplings) do
local altPos = v.Position
local magnitude = (PlantPoint.Position-altPos).Magnitude
if magnitude <= saplingSpace then
rangeFault = true
if RaycastResult.Material == Enum.Material.Grass and not rangeFault then
PlantPoint.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
table.insert(saplings, PlantPoint)
unitCount = unitCount+1
table.insert(faults, PlantPoint)
for i, v in pairs(faults) do
Ranger Location: