Saporito Public Handbook

Saporito is an Italian Café located on the coast of Amalfi, Italy. With a commitment to authentic flavors and a passion for culinary excellence, Saporito aims to transport every guest to the heart of Italy with each bite. Our ambitious vision includes sourcing the freshest local ingredients, creating innovative twists on traditional recipes, and providing an unforgettable dining experience that blends the charm of Amalfi’s scenic coastline with the rich heritage of Italian cuisine.

Inside of this handbook, you will find an abundance of information regarding internal operations, guidelines, a multitude of helpful links and more. If you have a question regarding anything inside of this handbook, feel free to contact a member of our High Rank team through our communications server. It should be noted that not all information regarding operations will be in here, this is simply general framework that may be used to amplify your success, or answer any questions you have at Saporito.

:link: Group Link: Saporito - Roblox

Session Timing

Training Schedule

Below are our Training sessions are utilised to start staff journeys, here you will find a list of times at which training sessions are held. You must aim to join training sessions 5-10 minutes earlier than the times listed here, otherwise you may be too late.

Monday - Sunday


Shift Schedule

Below you will find a list of scheduled shift times hosted by members of our management team, all shifts last no longer than 1 hour and no less than 30 minutes.

Monday - Sunday



To ensure we provide top-quality service to our customers, we expect all community members, no matter their role, to act with responsibility and care. To promote this, we have established clear guidelines that everyone must adhere to. Ignoring Saporito’s Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary action.

At Saporito, we require everyone within our community, whether in our Communications Server, Training Center, or physical locations, to treat others with respect. This includes respecting fellow members, our property, rules, and overall mission. Any failure to do so will result in serious consequences.

When you are on our premises, you are required to maintain an open mind and abide by our rules. We pride ourselves on a diverse community, and it’s important that everyone demonstrates good behavior to ensure equal and respectful treatment for all. You are accountable for your actions and will face consequences if you disregard our guidelines. This standard of maturity applies to both staff and guests. Staff members will receive one verbal warning, and continued misconduct will result in demotion. Guests will be issued one verbal warning, with further non-compliance leading to removal from the server.

To maintain a safe and appropriate visual environment, we require all members to dress appropriately while on our premises. Violations of the dress code will result in a warning, followed by further action if the issue continues. The following attire is not permitted:

  • Overtly bypassed clothing (e.g. intimate items resembling inappropriate items)
  • Excessively large avatars
  • Overly exposed skin (e.g. no pants, lingerie)

Engaging in any form of exploiting within Saporito’s games or establishments will result in an immediate ban. This includes the use of lag switches to manipulate gameplay, harass others, or access restricted areas.

Trolling, whether major or minor, is not tolerated at Saporito. Offenders will face consequences based on the severity of their actions.

Advertising of any kind is strictly prohibited in Saporito’s communication servers and games. Anyone caught doing so will be banned immediately. Advertising is also not allowed on our group wall, and violators will face consequences.

Roblox Community Guidelines
We expect all members to follow Roblox’s Terms of Service and Community Standards any users who attempt to break these guidelines will face sanctions from our management team, and further action may be taken via Roblox themselves. Our goal is to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all players.

Rank Descriptions

This rank is designated to all those who join our group, Saporito. Visitors are the individuals who visit our game and order items from our staff members.

Esteemed Visitor
This rank is designated to those resigned high-ranked members of the board. They are renowned and recognised individuals of the group.

Affiliate Representative
This rank is for the business partners and allies of Saporito. The representatives of the allied partnered groups are designated for this role.

This rank is designated to any Customer who passes through our Application Center and is now one step behind in being able to work our daily shifts by attending a training session at scheduled times.

Junior Barista
This rank is designated to new staff members who have completed their training and can start working to serve our customers. They handle simple orders and assist higher ranking staff.

This rank is designated to regular staff who can handle a variety of tasks including taking orders, making drinks, and serving food to our clientele. They are proficient in customer service and basic daily roleplay operations.

Experienced Barista
This rank is designated to proficient and refined baristas. They have all abilities of taking and serving orders, they are also given the authority to warn guests and customers by running an administrative command. This is the last low rank and they have the opportunity to move up to Staff Assistant through applications or being noticed by a member of the Staffing Department.

Staff Assistant
This rank is the first and foremost role of the management team. It consists of supervision and moderation within the premises of the group, as well as assisting in training sessions. This rank has a maximum capacity of 40 individuals.

Cafe Supervisor
This rank consists of overseeing the staff members during their shifts, ensuring that the teahouse runs smoothly, and handling any issues that arise among customers or staff. They assist with training sessions.

Assistant Manager
This rank continues to carry out the responsibilities of the management team helping with the overall management of the premises, including being given additional authority to host scheduled training sessions.

This rank is the last middle rank role. This role consists of responsibilities of training at sessions and moderating the public premises. They are also given the opportunity to host scheduled training sessions along with hosting shifts. They are next in line for the first high rank role.

Executive Assistant
This rank is designated to the newest members of the corporate team, preparing to become a part of one of the departments in the group. This rank of which qualifies as a high rank unlocks new leadership opportunities and responsibilities such as implementing new policies and procedures within the staff team.

Executive Officer
This rank is designated to an accomplished department member of their chosen department. This rank consists of responsibilities for managing correspondence. They focus on ensuring the maintenance of Saporito’s operations.

Executive Director
This rank is designated to an accomplished department member of their chosen department. This rank consists of leading their chosen department and controlling operation practices within those departments.

This rank is designated for the contractors, programmers, animators, and graphic designers of Saporito. They are responsible for the technical aspects of Saporito premises, including scripting, building, and maintaining the game environment. Developing and updating the game, fixing bugs, implementing new features, etc.

Vice President
This rank is designated to the first and foremost Leadership Team position. They are at the top of the chain and assist in making the toughest decisions within the leadership team. The leadership team supervises all ranks in the group and ensures everything is running smoothly in operations. They also have all permissions in the game and the Discord server. This rank consists of 1 Relations member and 1 Staffing member.

This rank is designated to the leads of the two departments of Saporito. They are at the top of the chain and make the toughest decisions on the presidential board alongside the owners. They have all permissions in the game and the Discord server. This rank consists of two individuals, one for each of both departments of Saporito. The Presidents oversee all ranks in the group and departments, ensuring everything is operating continuously.

Co Owner
This rank is designated for the co-owners and second in command of Saporito. They run the entire group and make decisions alongside the Owner of Saporito. Whenever the Owner is not available, they take on the responsibilities as a group owner. This role is the most entrusted role of the Owner. They play a crucial role in the management and operation of Saporito, working closely with the Owner to ensure smooth and efficient running of the establishment.

**This rank controls the entire group and ensures everyone has an enjoyable time at Saporito. Along with these responsibilities. This role involves a mix of leadership, and administrative duties by overseeing daily execution ensuring the group is staffed adequately. He executes and regards tasks and responsibilities regarding development, corporate and executive team management, insight and feedback on group operations, and the establishment of Saporito.

Alliance Information

Alliance requests will be closed until release, the information listed might update by the time requests open again.

This section outlines the criteria for forming alliances:

  • Your group must have a minimum of 100 members both on the platform and in Discord.
  • Selling MR+ ranks is prohibited.
  • Your community should maintain a positive reputation, free of recent controversies that could reflect poorly. A professional atmosphere is also essential.
  • Your establishment must have a relatively active community.
  • You should be able to promptly announce, host events, and visit us as needed.
  • Your establishment should be related to the industry (e.g., cafes, restaurants, juice bars, etc.), clothing groups may also be considered.
Staff Assistant Promotion Guide

To be considered for promotion, it’s essential that you are verified in our community server. If you’re not verified or aren’t in the server, the recruitment team will be unable to locate your account. If your rank or username is outdated, we recommend using the /update command in the #bot-commands channel.

You must also be a member of the Saporito group. Aspiring Staff Assistants must hold the Experienced Barista rank both in the group and in-game.

Your account must pass a safe chat verification. If your account is flagged as under 13 and has safe chat enabled, you will be automatically disqualified from becoming a Staff Assistant. This check is carried out automatically by the recruitment team.

Proficient English grammar is a must. As a Staff Assistant candidate, you need to demonstrate strong English grammar skills, which ensures you can effectively communicate within the salon environment.

Consistent activity in the salon is crucial. To be eligible for the Staff Assistant role, you need to maintain a consistent presence at the salon. This demonstrates your commitment to the role and assures us that you will remain active once promoted.

While most candidates meet these requirements, it’s equally important to maintain a respectful demeanor and serve as a role model for other staff members. Part of a Staff Assistant’s responsibilities includes effectively managing conflicts, so it’s vital that you embody this role.

Lastly, please avoid asking recruitment team members about promotions or making comments that suggest you’re seeking a promotion. Doing so may actually hinder your chances of advancing to Staff Assistant. If you’re concerned about being blacklisted from the Staff Assistant role, feel free to contact a member of the recruitment team.

Blacklist Appeals

If you’ve been blacklisted from any of our platforms, you can submit an appeal by contacting a member of staff via our group wall, or our communications server. Once submitted, your appeal will be taken into consideration and you will be contacted with further information regarding the status of your ban.


  • You must wait two weeks after receiving your blacklist before submitting an appeal.
  • Allow us a minimum of 48 hours to consider your request.
  • Any trolling in your appeal will lead to a blacklist with no further chance of appeal.
  • Be truthful in your responses to show that you’ve genuinely reflected on and learned from your past behavior.
  • If your appeal is denied, you must wait two weeks before submitting another one.

Last updated, 31st August 2024. :calendar:

Saporito Leadership Team :blossom: