Sarcastic Studios Information

:wave: Welcome To Sarcastic Studios Information Page
:busts_in_silhouette: Our Studio creates high quality, action-packed games for the ROBLOX community.
:arrow_down: Below we will list all the games we manage!

Almost ready for launch!


  • Builders: ionut1234v2, CoIeRBLX, Vamonoz, davidiscooI
  • Assistant Programmers: sayer80, IcyMizu, OnlineOne, HYP3DN4BULA
  • Lead Programmer: Madpoint83
  • 3D Roblox Graphic Designer: MattX356
  • Backup 3D Roblox Graphic Desginer: Cemindesign
  • Digital Art: YT_MonkeyRBX
  • Game Marketing assistant: imnotRummy
  • UI Desginer: sovietcereaI
  • Community Manager: You_FoundJolly
  • Head Game Marketer and Project Manager: CoIeRBLX
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