Saurian Odyssey | Rules & Information


Welcome to Dinosaur Legacy: Saurian Odyssey! This is our second installation in the “Dinosaur Legacy” series, set in the year 2030. In Saurian Odyssey, created by Rohan Interactive, you can choose to play as one of our many dinosaurs, from small ground dwelling herbivores like the Dryosaurus, all the way to large tyrants like the Giganotosaurus. Or you can take to the skies with the Thalassodromeus, a unique Pterosaur from the early Cretaceous.

You also have the option to immerse yourself in the role of a Rohan Engineering employee, dedicated to serving the Rohan Military Corps. Alternatively, you can opt to pursue the path of a scientist or engineer. The decision rests in your hands!

This topic contains a list of rules that apply to the casual roleplay & Dinosaur only mode as well as some additional legal information.

In this topic, the term ‘dinosaur’ encompasses all animals in Saurian Odyssey, including but not limited to dinosaurs, Pterosaurs, and other reptiles.


  1. Follow the Roblox TOS & Community rules

  2. Do not exploit - Exploiting in any of our games will result in a permanent, unappealable ban.

  3. Be respectful to others - Any sort of harassment or bullying is strictly prohibited

  4. Do not exploit glitches or bugs - If you find a glitch or a bug, then the right thing to do is report it in our discord server. Exploiting glitches or bugs is prohibited.

  5. Do not random kill - Killing dinosaurs for no reason is strictly prohibited and can lead to suspensions from gameplay

  6. Don’t breach dinosaurs - If a dinosaur is contained, then you may only release it by relocating it. Don’t let a dinosaur breach out of its containment

  7. Sedate Rifle (non-lethal) vs lethals

  • Non lethal weapons are weapons that are designed to incapacitate, but not kill an animal.
  • If an animal is attacking you or others, use your sedative rifle to put the asset to sleep.
  • Then, relocate it to an appropriate location.
  • Lethals are weapons that can inflict deadly or great bodily harm.
  • They should only be used when absolutely necessary, do not use them to randomly
    shoot other humans or dinosaurs
  • ALWAYS result to non lethals first before killing a dinosaur.
  • Abusing your lethals is prohibited.
  1. Do not perform third party transactions - Performing third party transactions for in-game benefits or credits is strictly prohibited, and is against our rules as well as Roblox’s TOS.

  2. Don’t interfere with dinosaurs too much - Going into the dinosaur area to annoy dinosaurs and ruin their gameplay is strictly prohibited. Avoid interacting with dinosaurs unless you have a valid reason to (for example relocating, roleplaying a medical scenario, …)

  3. Don’t randomly kill tribals - If they enter the human base, then ask them to leave. If they refuse to, then you can use your lethals on them.


  1. Follow the Roblox TOS & Community rules

  2. Do not exploit - Exploiting in any of our games will result in a permanent, unappealable ban.

  3. Be respectful to others - Any sort of harassment or bullying is strictly prohibited

  4. Do not exploit glitches or bugs - If you find a glitch or a bug, then the right thing to do is report it in our discord server. Exploiting glitches or bugs is prohibited.

  5. Avoid fail roleplay - Fail roleplay includes things like interacting with humans or dinosaurs in an unrealistic way

  6. Do not random kill

Some valid reasons for killing are, but not limited to:

  • Hunting (only if hungry, for carnivores only)

  • Defending yourself, your pack, or your territory

  • Feeling threatened, although you should attempt to flee or warn the other animal(s) first if possible

  1. Don’t go into / near the human base

The human base is the area where the human teams spawn. Going there and camping is strictly prohibited

  1. Avoid carnivore & herbivore intermixing - Forming herds with other herbivores is allowed, however a Giganotosaurus, or other carnivores have no reason to be in a herd with herbivores


In-game moderators can be recognized via their chat & head tag or from their suit while on the Rohan Personnel team. A moderator’s decision is final, for some rules they may decide the punishment at their own discretion.

Dinosaur Controls

You can find more rules & regulations in our corporate codex:

Rohan Corporate Codex - Google Docs

Make sure to follow the rules discussed in this topic. If you find anyone breaking these rules, make sure to gather evidence and send it to a moderator using discord.

And finally: Don’t forget to have fun in Saurian Odyssey!
