Save details once ID card is equiped

I want to modify this card so the first person to hold the card will have their details saved to the card so if it is dropped or stolen then it still says the same name instead of resetting and displaying the new holders name.

Im not sure how I would do this.


code to get information:

	local gui = script.IDCard.Main
	gui.Age.Text = "Account Age (Days): " .. tostring(player.AccountAge)
	gui.ID.Text = "ID: " .. tostring(player.UserId)
	gui.PlayerName.Text = "Name: " .. player.Name
	gui.ProfilePic.Image = "" .. player.Name

Code to display info onto card:


gui.Age.Text = "Account Age (Days): " .. age

gui.ID.Text = "ID: " .. id

gui.PlayerName.Text = "Name: " .. player.Name

gui.ProfilePic.Image = "" .. player.Name


put a bool value inside the card named FirstUser, if it is set to false then change the card’s information with current user then set it to true, and if it is set to true do nothing.

mark as solution if it helped.