Save stats not working

can someone help me i Trying to create a Stats script no errors only problem is t wont save somehow


local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("saveData")
	local player_Key = "Test3"..player.UserId
	local yinV = player.yin
	local FistStrengthV = player.FistStrength
	local BodyToughnesV = player.BodyToughnes
	local MovementSpeedV = player.MovementSpeed
	local JumpForceV = player.JumpForce
	local PsychicPowerV = player.PsychicPower
	local FSMultiV = player.FSMulti
	local BTMultiV = player.BTMulti
	local MSMultiV = player.MSMulti
	local JFMultiV = player.JFMulti
	local PPMultiV = player.PPMulti
	local getSaved = DataStoreService:GetAsync(player_Key)
	if getSaved then
		FistStrengthV.Value = getSaved[1]
		yinV.Value = getSaved[2]
		BodyToughnesV.Value = getSaved[3]
		MovementSpeedV.Value = getSaved[4]
	    JumpForceV.Value = getSaved[5]
		PsychicPowerV.Value = getSaved[6]
		local Values = {FistStrengthV.Value, FistStrengthV.Value, yinV.Value, BodyToughnesV.Value, MovementSpeedV.Value, JumpForceV.Value, PsychicPowerV.Value, FSMultiV.Value, BTMultiV.Value,MSMultiV.Value, JFMultiV.Value, PPMultiV.Value}
		DataStoreService:GetAsync(player_Key, Values)

	DataStoreService:GetAsync("Test3"..player.UserId,{player.FistStrength.Value, player.yin.Value, player.BodyToughnes.Value, player.MovementSpeed.Value, player.JumpForce.Value, player.PsychicPower.Value, player.FSMulti.Value, player.BTMulti.Value, player.MSMulti.Value, player.JFMulti.Value, player.PPMulti.Value})
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Instead of GetAsync you need to use DataStoreService:SetAsync. Consider also using DataStoreService:UpdateAsync.

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Wait how i gone do that ?

do i need to change Getasync to setasync and then?

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for the 2nd last line u need to change it

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Oh Completely didint see that Thanks for the help both of you

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