Save the Date: RDC 2024

Shoot me an invite and I WILL be there. I have wanted to go for the past 6 years!

Seems I have forgotten to do my annual RDC reply. Well here it is anyways haha!

I’m very excited to attend RDC again, last year was a blast meeting so many great people! Unfortunately I didn’t get to meet most people, but maybe that will change this year!

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I can understand why they raised the age to 18, but 21 is absurd. I want to know why they might be changing it :confused:

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I would love to be able to attend RDC, even if virtually. I’ve wanted to go for a few years, but never got an invite lol.

Thanks, some news about the date when nominations will be open ?

Is this RDC invite legit? It does not match my username :skull:

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I just had the same thing! It was a completely different username??


Same lol

same!! with different username


Maybe my first rdc this year??!!!

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wow! look at all those posts about people getting invited to rdc! even if it has the wrong username i hope i get one!
checks inbox:


@mymommakesbathbombs4 @awshumgurl123 @00f_developer @Dev_AymanGR See this:

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they fixed it
thank you RDC team


After 15 years on Roblox, I’ll finally be attending RDC for the first time ever !

I’m super excited to have fun and meet new people. I remember seeing videos of Roblox events dating back to as far as the Roblox Rally back in 2011, it feels surreal to be invited :slight_smile:


Can I be invited? I have around 4 Million group members across my groups and over 200M visits.


Next year hopefully ill be invited in person :pray:

There’s still a wave pending minimum, so if you’re lucky you’ll get in

Awesome! We’ll definitely be there with Animate Anything :sunglasses:

If that’s true, my chances of attending one of those are probably crushed for a few more years, thanks roblox!

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It isn’t.

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