I’m very new to Roblox development and I’ve been saving my Roblox Studio file to xml and using ‘Save to Roblox’ but sometimes I notice that when I load my solution from Roblox location it doesn’t have the latest changes so I can only think that I’m doing something wrong here, or don’t quite understand the solution save/loading mechanisms.
I tend to ‘Save to file’ and then ‘Save to Roblox’. The changes I’ve made are always saved to disk ok, but sometimes my changes are not found in the version saved on Roblox, I’m finding that all a bit confusing, as I say, I’m sure that’s something I’m doing wrong, just looking for some pointers here.
Trouble I have with using the save to xml method (which would be my preference) is when I open my solution from the xml file my game isn’t ‘published’:
What is most people’s ‘workflow’ for this? I don’t really want to have to publish my game every time I load it from disk, or is that normal? but I really would like to keep my own version of the xml files myself and version control them myself.
I see there is an option, after clicking ‘publish’ to ‘update an existing game’:
…but I couldn’t find any documentation to see exactly what that does? so was a bit loathed to go down that route… any pointers greatly received thanks, perhaps that’s what I should be doing, anyway as I say any help greatly received…