Saveinstance Injection Detection (Exploit Detection)

Hi everyone. I present to you another detection for one of the most painful and powerful scripts Saveinstance. No one enjoys their hard work after hours of dedication and commitment to be stolen and then being either skidded or having assets stolen.

So below I provide a simple detection for Saveinstance.

This also simply proves detecting cheats isn’t impossible, many claim Saveinstance is undetectable, here I prove you wrong.

Universal Syn-Saveinstance

Universal Syn-SaveInstance utilizes UGCValidationService for HiddenProperty checks and other stuff. However, UGCValidationService doesn’t actually exist in the game’s DataModel until it is explicitly referenced.

For example, when you declare it with:

local UGCValidationService = game:GetService("UGCValidationService")

…it then becomes part of the DataModel.

By scanning the current services within the game’s DataModel without directly referencing UGCValidationService, we can detect its presence. Since this service is typically only called by SaveInstance in this context, its existence strongly indicates the use of SaveInstance.

This method provides a reliable way to flag and detect Saveinstance in action.



if game:GetService("RunService"):IsStudio() then return end

local UGCValidationService = "UGCValidationService"
local knownServices = {}

if game:FindService(UGCValidationService) then
	knownServices[UGCValidationService] = true

-- Crash instead of kick, because you can actually still save the game even if kicked. Crashing stops this.
local function Crash()
	for i = 1, 3000 do

local function checkForNewServices()
	if not knownServices[UGCValidationService] and game:FindService(UGCValidationService) then
		while true do end

	while true do

Now this can ofc just be bypassed by simply disabling the script, so what we can do is hide the script in its own environment by using getfenv() (I didn’t create this method, this has been known for years). Like so:

getfenv().script = nil

Put this at the very top of the script.

This can still obviously be bypassed by other methods, as nothing is unbypassable if its on the client. Exploits have full control of the client, which means they can do whatever they want with it. In the future I’ll possibly release something that stops FindService hooks etc for everyone. But this should hopefully stop your average skid trying to steal your assets :+1:

Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps. This may possibly end up getting patched, but I’m not sure :man_shrugging:

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Oh yeah SaveInstance is also completely undetectable according to the UniversalSynSaveInstance Devs :rofl:

Clearly isnt!


Please no one comment “client anti-cheats are bad” and so on :pray:


AmazingResources! that will help me lot thank you :heart:
i was trying to found way how i can block the hackers and you really help me thank you again :relaxed:


Of course, anytime! Hopefully this helps protect your game. :smile:



namecall hook
check if findservice is used and return nil


Pretty much lol (or modify FindService to only return nil when it’s called with UGCValidationService), you can also set a timeout for the script to prevent crashing to still continue saving whatever you want.

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Somebody has to hate every time :broken_heart:. Ofc it can be bypassed, pretty much anything on the client can be bypassed. Especially with Roblox removing the extra null bytes from the game entirely.

You can definitely stop FindService hooks though. I might probably release something for this soon if I have time


I already said it’s bypassable bud. Anything on the client is pretty much bypassable. Even more so with Roblox removing the extra null bytes. Now, there are ways to stop FindService Hooks.

This is more of a showcase to show nothing is undetectable, 99% of people say Saveinstance is undetectable, I’ve proved them wrong. This will also definitely help against your average skid lol.

SetTimeout simply won’t work, as the Crash function doesn’t use while true do end, it uses a for loop which crashes the entire console.


“client anti-cheats are bad”
“client anti-cheats are bad”
“client anti-cheats are very bad”


Not really. An average skid may utilize cheap tricks and tactics and use Luau(which is to be expected, as they are no older than 13), but true exploiters do not need to utilize the Luau VM to save your game.

Services are essentially Instances, which are userdata that point to the Engine methods; an exploiter does not need to use the Service Instance itself to access that Service. Which effectively eliminates all possible detection methods.

I can just modify the lua_state to terminate the process if a function takes too long to complete.

Anyway, this is a cool detection method though, so good job on detecting it, a little bit of obfuscation and you might even have something that you can use on your live games.

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local old = clonefunction(game.FindService)

hookfunction(game.FindService, newcclosure(function(...)

local self, service = ...
if service == "UGCValidationService" then
return nil

return old(...)

something like that
typed it out on phone

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Yes of course. Anything on the client can be bypassed, there’s just ways to make it incredibly hard. Even byfron can and has been fully bypassed by the likes of AWP:

Truly appreciate the kind words at the bottom.

Yeah I mean there’s ways to stop FindService hooks, I’ll maybe release a method later if I have time:

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unless your exploits hookfunction is detected the hook i posted above is not detectable


Yup, you’re not wrong. Like I said before and in the first post, anything and everything is bypassable if its on the client.

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My apologies, I just re-read the script…

I don’t understand; what do you mean? Are you talking about Roblox?


lua_state is a reference to the running Lua thread in the C API for Lua. The same goes for Luau VM; utilizing the lua_state or directly modifying the VM code, you can control how Luau runs.

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I know what a lua state (defined as lua_State in both the Lua and Luau C apis, and not lua_state) is. What I meant however is, how is that related to saveinstance…? It’s not like you can run C++ code from exploits?

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I think he’s trying to implying that serializing the data via Luau is not the only way games can be stolen and that it can be done so via external programs that simply read instance data and serialize it ( which do already exist although need a bit of fixing )