Save/Publish Game group selection dropdown timing bug

Let’s say I’m in this menu and the current value of the dropdown is “My Games” (meaning my games should be loaded and displayed in the grid of games to save/publish to). If I change the value of the dropdown to something else (such as a group I am part of like “Blox Universe”) while the content from the “My Games” category is still loading, the operation to download and populate content from the “My Games” category will not be cancelled and will instead incorrectly populate the UI with the “My Games” content while the “Blox Universe” category is selected. The “Blox Universe” category’s own load/populate operation will continue, but it will be rendered further down in the scrolling frame, mixed up with the content from the “My Games” category. The only way to fix it is to change again to a different category (and wait for that category to load and be displayed in the UI), then change back to “Blox Universe” to trigger it to load properly.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.