SaveToRoblox - Continuous Delivery to Roblox using GitHub Actions


SaveToRoblox is a GitHub Action that uploads a Roblox place file (.rbxl or .rbxlx) from a GitHub repository to Roblox using the Roblox Place Publishing Cloud API.


The SaveToRoblox action has all the options the Place Publishing API endpoint has. These are:

  • Universe ID
  • Place ID
  • Version type (either Saved or Published)

If the upload was successful, the action will output the place version number returned by the API.

Use case

This GitHub action is meant to be used as a Continuous Delivery tool for deploying places directly from GitHub to Roblox. This allows game development to take place using tools like Rojo that integrate well with version control.

If you’re looking at this post, chances are you already have an idea of what Continuous Delivery is, but here is a good article by IBM on the topic:

How to use

First create an API key at and configure it to fit your use case. For use with GitHub Actions, you can either allow all IP addresses by adding to Allowed IP Addresses or get the IP addresses used by GitHub Actions here. Save the API key to your GitHub repository secrets. Do not include API keys in your source code!

To use the SaveToRoblox action, you could use the following task in your GitHub repository:

- name: Save to Roblox
  uses: tenx29/save-to-roblox@v1
    api-key: ${{ secrets.ROBLOX_API_KEY }}
    universe-id: 123456789
    place-id: 987654321
    place-file: place.rbxlx
    version-type: Saved     # Optional, defaults to Saved. Can be either Saved or Published.

Where to get it

GitHub Marketplace

Source code