Saving a folder of folders with values inside

Hey all,

A tad bit stuck tonight. I have been working on making my game save everything and it was going great until I hit this bump here. What I am trying to do is save the contents inside of a folder, and inside the folder is a value called amount.

My first thought was to do something like:

local playeritems = {}

for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerItems:GetChildren()) do
table.insert(playeritems, v.amount.Value…v.Name)

playeritemdata:SetAsync(player.userId, playeritems)

Then when I was actually getting the player data, my plan was to just get the first character of the string, and turn this into a number using tonumber. This works great, until my amount is over 10. When the amount is over ten then it is a two digit number and this throws everything off.

Does anyone have an idea on how to do this efficiently? I had another hacky idea and I was going to add a number before the other numbers to show how many character of number there will be proceeding the “tip” number. (I had no idea how to word that sentence haha ) So the save would be like “514245itemsave” then from here:

local digits = string.sub(string, 1,1)
local amount = string.sub(string, 2, tostring(digits))

This would work, but am not exactly sure if this is the best way I could go at it. Let me know, thank you.

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If you’re trying to save a folder (or multiple folders) with different value objects you could create a recursing function to basically convert that to an array, and then use HttpService:JSONEncode() to turn the entire array into a string for storage inside of one datastore cell

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

function Scan()
	local function ScanFolder(Folder, Array)
		for _,Child in pairs(Folder:GetChildren()) do
			if Child:IsA("Folder") then
				Array[Child.Name] = {}
			elseif Child:IsA("ValueBase")  then
				Array[Child.Name] = Child.Value
		return Array
	local Array = ScanFolder(game.ServerStorage.Folder,{})
	return HttpService:JSONEncode(Array)


So this will grab the entire folder structure and return a string, in my test layout this is what was returned



Which you can save to a datastore, and then use HttpService:JSONDecode() to turn it back into an array and then set up the values again when the player loads.


Yours would have been way more efficient but I got mine to work using my hacky method haha.

if blobsdata:GetAsync(p.userId) then
		for i,v in pairs(blobsdata:GetAsync(p.userId)) do
			local digits = tonumber(string.sub(v, 1, 1))
			local amount1 = string.sub(v, 2, digits + 1)
			print(tostring(string.sub(v, 2 + digits, string.len(v))))
			local blob = game.ReplicatedStorage.Blobs:FindFirstChild(tostring(string.sub(v, 2 + digits, string.len(v))))
			blob:Clone().Parent = fol
			fol:FindFirstChild(tostring(string.sub(v, 2 + digits, string.len(v)))).amount.Value = amount1

if #player.PlayerBlobs:GetChildren() > 0 then
		local playerblobs = {}
		for i,v in pairs(player.PlayerBlobs:GetChildren()) do
			local firstnum = string.len(tostring(v.amount.Value))
			table.insert(playerblobs, firstnum..v.amount.Value..v.Name)
		blobsdata:SetAsync(player.userId, playerblobs)

Check this magic out, instead if scanning the first, scan the first 2 and set 1 digit numbers as “02” or “03”.

tonumber(“03”) == 3

Problem solved my guy, no need to rewrite half your system.

That’s cool I didn’t know you could do to number in a scenario like that thanks man

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