Saving a table value

Hi, sorry for the slightly misleading title, wasn’t sure what to put in there. I am having an issue where I need to somehow pass a Table argument with a button when it is clicked. I am not quite sure how to do this, my only thought that I thought would work was to have the table put into an ObjectValue, but don’t know if that works.

In simpler terms; I need to somehow save a table to a button as seen in Snippet #1 below, and then snippet #2 needs to be able to access that table. How would I go about doing that?

Snippet #1:

game.ReplicatedStorage.Ordering.SendOrder.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(RequesterName, RequesterId, OrderTable)
    local OrderBtn = script.Parent.mainFrame.Orders.OrderTemplate:Clone()
    local newOrderAmount = orderAmount + 1
    OrderBtn.Text = RequesterName .. " | Order #" .. tostring(newOrderAmount)
    OrderBtn.Name = RequesterName
    OrderBtn.Parent = script.Parent.mainFrame.Orders
    OrderBtn.OrderTable.Value = OrderTable

Snippet #2:

        local RequesterName = OrderBtn.Name
        local RequesterId = game.Players[RequesterName].UserId
        local Avatar = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(RequesterId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size100x100)
        script.Parent.mainFrame.OrderInfo.RequesterInfo.Username.Text = RequesterName
        script.Parent.mainFrame.OrderInfo.RequesterInfo.Id.Text = RequesterId
        script.Parent.mainFrame.OrderInfo.RequesterInfo.Avatar.Image = Avatar
        for Item = 1, OrderBtn.OrderTable.Value do

If I understand the problem correctly, you could just sort through the table and create values for each table value and put them into a folder inside the button then have the button script just sort through the contents of that folder and create a table out of it, if you need the values as the same order as they were in the original table you can name them as keys. I would give code samples but I’m having an incredibly hard time typing on mobile.