Saving an R6 Outfit Always Saves it in R15

I, and most of my friends, exclusively use R6. When one goes to save their outfit in R6, Roblox seems to force the saved avatar into R15.

As you can see from the included short video, which I hope attached properly, when you put your character into R6 and save or update an outfit, the new outfit always saves in R15. This creates a small annoyance for me, my friends, and likeminded folks as we have to manually switch back to R6 whenever putting one of these outfits on. I have not found a workaround for this issue.

System Information: Windows 11
Browser Information: Brave 1.65.123

Expected behavior

I think it is reasonable to expect that when you save an outfit in R6, that outfit will be in R6, and when you put the outfit on while using R6, it shouldn’t switch you to R15.


Yes, I was also affected by this bug.

Temporary Solution: This bug does not occur in the mobile application. You can save from your phone until the bug is fixed for the web.

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they just dont like r6, or just save from mobile its quite a simple answer to be honest.

The fact that it doesn’t happen on mobile to me makes this look even more like a bug. I don’t see how the fact that it is apparently a PC-only issue means it should be ignored.

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It’s not just mobile. The Roblox app does them well. It is just the website that is flawed. I don’t like the app because I can’t use my browser extensions and I can’t add multiple hairs.