Saving attribute array to datastore

Hello, Im making a vehicle building game but i ran into a problem, I dont know how to save rotors attribute, player can select the rotors source wich is engine model, the attribute sets the value to the engine model but when i want to save it,i cant save an array, so im trying to save the rotors attribute with the engine model and then later being able to load it

i have no idea of how could i do such a thing,any help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Save properties in a dictionary or list, you may be able to save that to a datastore. If you can’t try converting it to JSON with :EncodeJson() or smth.

i already have done that in a table, but the problem is that some models have a setting that is not string or number but another model, if its possible to save wich model is that and then in loading set the settings to the model

There is a way iirc to change Enums and stuff into strings, and convert them back. I will try to find the method later today. What datamodels do you need?

You can just save the Name property of the enum and load it back by indexing.