Saving Ban Information Globally

Currently, I’m in the process of creating an admin panel that includes a command for banning and unbanning users.

I’ve ran into a roadblock that has stopped me from continuing further.

Said roadblock is saving that banned data between all servers.

From my understanding, when a new server is created, its just taking the base game that was made in Studio and duplicating it. So if I just simply made an empty table and then when the admin used the ban command, it would add it to the table, then if the user joined they’d get banned, but since in the original version of the place, the one made in studio, has an empty array, if the banned user joined a fresh server, they wouldn’t be banned.

How can I ban someone across ALL servers?

You could just save that banned player’s UserId in a Datastore. So even if they change their name, you’ll still be able to keep them outta your game (cuz a player’s UserId doesn’t change even after a name change)

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I didn’t even think of that, I’ll try this out! Thank you!

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Make sure you verify that the player who sent the ban request is actually an admin or else a skiddie could abuse the RemoteEvent and ban anyone they want.

im pretty sure its the end for exploiters so theres no need for that literally byfron is everywhere and synapse ended up joining roblox because of it