Saving Bool Value

Hello! Please give an example of a script on how you could save a Bool Value in StarterCharacterScripts.

I don’t think you can save a bool value.

You can find some tutorials how to do it though!

What do you mean by save?
As in, using a datastore? Or, do you mean just having the value there when the character spawns in?

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maybe just use tables

local Collidables = {}

for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
    if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.CanCollide then
        table.insert(Collidables, v.CanCollide) 

i think this example was bit weird, but hope it helped!

You can save BoolValues. @vts3g I’m not great with datastores but you can try taking a free model and editing it to save your BoolValues.