Saving dictionaries with datastore2

Whenever I try to save it says DataStoreService: CantStoreValue: Cannot store Dictionary in data store. Data stores can only accept valid UTF-8 characters. API: SetAsync, Data Store: Could anyone help me with this? Thanks

local function setUpUserData()
		local userData = {
			 Others = {
				["EyeColor"] = RandomEyeColor;
				["Undead"] = false;
				["Vamp"] = false;
				["Col"] = 0;
				["HairColor"] = Colors;
				["Lives"] = 2;
				["Combat"] = false;
			Strings = {
				["Weapon"] = "Katana";
				["FirstName"] = "None";
				["LastName"] = "None";
				["Inventory"] = "";
				["Face"] = "Human1";
				["Skills"] = "";
				["Outfit"] = RandomOutfit;
		return userData
local userData = DataStore2(key,Player):Get(setUpUserData())

		userData["Strings"]["Outfit"] = Outfit.Value
	end) --how i save it

nvm I did it I was trying to save a vector3 value, im tired and forgot you cant do that lol.

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