Saving Games to Cloud

Are there plans for the ability to publish old versions?

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Oh my god, this is a lifesaver! Thank you so much! Coordinating Vesteria map updates into a single large update is now possible :parrot:

Difficulty collaborating with multiple scripters is the biggest barrier for larger studios right now. Can’t wait for all of these changes.


Will this mean offline development is no longer supported ?


Offline development was never really encouraged for various reasons, mainly including assets and fast flags (including ones that disable experimental features) not being obtainable. This specific update adds the ability to save to Roblox without it being published without changing anything else in the workflow. Using place files is still supported.


I have wanted this feature for so long.

Multi-place games will finally have a much-needed tool to make maintenance/updates easier.


For some reason. every now and then (only for the past few hours), my team create game has been not publishing correctly with the message saying - “Failed To Publish”


Been wanting this for a long time!

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Is there plans to add a hotkey for Save To Roblox? It’s currently ingrained in my mind to press alt+p to ‘save’ (publish) whenever I feel I’ve gone too long without doing so… An alternative for saving to the cloud would be great!


Can confirm getting it every 2nd publish to a Team Create place.

A “solution” for now that I found: Publish to Roblox to…


I saved my place to the cloud and tried publishing it afterwards but it failed to publish!
I got it fixed by publishing the place to a roblox place manually.

This was in a teamcreate place though im not sure about non teamcreate places.


I’m having the same issue with team create. Publishing will work for a while and then it suddenly starts failing to publish


Would be nice if we could invite players (without teamcreate) to test a work in progress version.

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This is a good feature! thanks!

but it might be troubke for people with bad internet

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We officially turned this flag off temporarily. We are going to patch in a fix and get this turned on next week.

Apologies for the publishing issues, and thank you for the reports!


Now can we get improvements to the version history? :> An official image beside it or ability to have brief descriptions etc

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(Note this is now a feature request)

In my opinion the first time you open studio after updates like this you should get a notification of some sort saying that something as crucial as this has been changed. Developers I was working with (myself included) were confused as to why the game wasn’t showing signs of being published with new additions before I came across this post.

The button being changed to ‘Save’ instead of ‘Publish’ in the dialogue box that appears did signify a change however it didn’t seem that meaningful without context or further information. Showing some form of message or information in the future will keep everyone on the same page so they’re aware of changes.

Possibly something like this, but instead it says something like “We’ve made changes to the way publishing places works. Read this DevForum post for more information!” or similar.


Dope, can’t wait to try it out!

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At long last I don’t have to publish my games to test them, as someone whose internet is mediocre, this is a blessing.

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Helpful update for speeding up my studio publishing!

Wow! I will no longer need to create a special “development” place for my game.

It would be cool if this could also have a “beta users” feature, where certain people i designate as testers can be put into the unpublished version of the game. That would eliminate the need for me to have a whole “testers” group for each of my games.