It is currently not easy to keep track of all changes that are made to Studio, as we have to stay on the lookout for announcement threads in the #public category to be notified of updates that affect us as developers. On top of this developers who might not actively keep up-to-date with the Devforum are not notified of these updates. This can cause confusion.
My proposal is that upon launch, the user should be displayed with a box of some sort containing ‘news’ of the changes to studio. The best example I can find of this concept is what blender does (although this is shown on every launch, not just after an update):
A box of around this size would appear, with news on updates/changes. For example, it could just contain the title of the new update, and the text would be hyperlinked to the Devforum thread for that update. This box would then be dismissed and would not be visible again until there is more news on updates.
This addition to studio would allow developer’s to stay more up to date with new features and changes so they don’t miss out on cool stuff that they might find useful to know about.