hey there!
I’m having this weird loading bug that randomly showed up. this is the third time in a row i have gotten this error.
heres the error:
and heres the code:
please help if you have the answer! thank you
hey there!
I’m having this weird loading bug that randomly showed up. this is the third time in a row i have gotten this error.
heres the error:
and heres the code:
please help if you have the answer! thank you
Mind pasting the code in a code block?
sure, it includes a lot of inventory saving tho
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
winsdata = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-wins”)
coinsdata = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-coins”)
shardsdata = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-shards”)
debugg = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-debug”)
mobile = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-mobile”)
TSens = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-TSens”)
fov = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-fov”)
wind = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-wind”)
walkingParticles = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-walkingParticles”)
TFOV = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId…“-TFOV”)
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.Trail:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("CanDetect") then
local canDetect = Instance.new("BoolValue")
canDetect.Parent = player.Character
canDetect.Name = "CanDetect"
canDetect.Value = true
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Red" then
redTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Red_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
blueTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Blue_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
yellowTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Yellow_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
greenTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Green_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
whiteTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-White_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
blackTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetChildren(player.UserId.."-Black_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
orangeTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Orange_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
purpleTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Purple_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Rainbow" then
rainbowTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Rainbow_trail", owned.Value)
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.BallSkins:GetDescendants()) do -- ballskins
if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("CanDetect") then
local canDetect = Instance.new("BoolValue")
canDetect.Parent = player.Character
canDetect.Name = "CanDetect"
canDetect.Value = true
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Oof" then
oofSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Oof_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
blueSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Blue_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
yellowSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Yellow_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
greenSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Green_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
whiteSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-White_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
blackSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetChildren(player.UserId.."-Black_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
orangeSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Orange_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
purpleSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Purple_ballskin", owned.Value)
if success then
wins.Value = winsdata
coins.Value = coinsdata
shards.Value = shardsdata
player.Settings.DebugMode.Value = debugg or false
player.Settings.MobileControls.Value = mobile or false
player.Settings.ThrowingSensitivity.Value = TSens or 0.2
player.Settings.FOV.Value = fov or 70
player.Settings.Wind.Value = wind or true
player.Settings.WalkingParticles.Value = walkingParticles or true
player.Settings.ThrowingFOV.Value = TFOV or 20
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.Trail:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Red" then
owned.Value = redTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
owned.Value = blueTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
owned.Value = yellowTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
owned.Value = greenTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
owned.Value = whiteTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
owned.Value = blackTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
owned.Value = orangeTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
owned.Value = purpleTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Rainbow" then
owned.Value = rainbowTrail_
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.BallSkins:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Oof" then
owned.Value = oofSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
owned.Value = blueSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
owned.Value = yellowSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
owned.Value = greenSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
owned.Value = whiteSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
owned.Value = blackSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
owned.Value = orangeSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
owned.Value = purpleSkin_
for i,object in ipairs(player.Character:GetDescendants()) do
if object:IsA("BasePart") then
PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(object, "Player")
print("Data loaded")
print("Error when loading data: ")
thats the loading code, but if you want the entire leaderstats code here it is:
local THROWING_MODULE = require(game.ServerScriptService.ServerModules.CATCHING_MODULE.THROWING_MODULE)
local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")
local datastore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("DataStore")
local settingsDatastore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("SettingsDatastore")
local itemsDatastore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("ItemDatastore")
local save = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.SaveSettings
local shopEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ShopEvent
local function saveFunc(player)
local character = player.Character
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
datastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-wins", player.leaderstats.Wins.Value)
datastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-coins", player.leaderstats.Coins.Value)
datastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-shards", player.leaderstats.Shards.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-debug", player.Settings.DebugMode.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-mobile", player.Settings.MobileControls.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-TSens", player.Settings.ThrowingSensitivity.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-fov", player.Settings.FOV.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-wind", player.Settings.Wind.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-walkingParticles", player.Settings.WalkingParticles.Value)
settingsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-TFOV", player.Settings.ThrowingFOV.Value)
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.Trail:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
itemsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-"..owned.Parent.Name.."_trail", owned.Value)
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.BallSkins:GetDescendants()) do -- skins
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
itemsDatastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."-"..owned.Parent.Name.."_ballskin", owned.Value)
if success == true then
print("Data saved")
print("Error when saving data: ")
local statss = Instance.new("Folder")
statss.Name = "Stats"
statss.Parent = player
local throwing = Instance.new("BoolValue")
throwing.Parent = statss
throwing.Value = false
throwing.Name = "Throwing"
local leaderstats = Instance.new("Folder", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"
local wins = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
wins.Value = 0
wins.Name = "Wins"
local coins = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
coins.Value = 0
coins.Name = "Coins"
local shards = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
shards.Value = 0
shards.Name = "Shards"
local setting = game.ServerStorage.Settings:Clone()
setting.Parent = player
local voted = Instance.new("BoolValue")
voted.Parent = statss
voted.Value = false
voted.Name = "Voted"
local team = Instance.new("StringValue")
team.Parent = statss
team.Name = "Team"
team.Value = "None"
local kills = Instance.new("IntValue")
kills.Parent = statss
kills.Name = "Kills"
kills.Value = 0
local currentQuest = Instance.new("StringValue")
currentQuest.Parent = statss
currentQuest.Name = "CurrentQuest"
currentQuest.Value = "None"
--shop items
local shopItems = Instance.new("Folder")
shopItems.Name = "ShopItems"
shopItems.Parent = player
local trails = Instance.new("Folder")
trails.Name = "Trail"
trails.Parent = shopItems
local ballSkins = Instance.new("Folder")
ballSkins.Name = "BallSkins"
ballSkins.Parent = shopItems
local purpleTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
purpleTrail.Name = "Purple"
purpleTrail.Value = false
purpleTrail.Parent = trails
purpleTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 75)
local orangeTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
orangeTrail.Name = "Orange"
orangeTrail.Value = false
orangeTrail.Parent = trails
orangeTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 75)
local rainbowTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
rainbowTrail.Name = "Rainbow"
rainbowTrail.Value = false
rainbowTrail.Parent = trails
rainbowTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 125)
local redTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
redTrail.Name = "Red"
redTrail.Value = false
redTrail.Parent = trails
redTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 50)
local yellowTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
yellowTrail.Name = "Yellow"
yellowTrail.Value = false
yellowTrail.Parent = trails
yellowTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 50)
local whiteTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
whiteTrail.Name = "White"
whiteTrail.Value = false
whiteTrail.Parent = trails
whiteTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 30)
local blackTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
blackTrail.Name = "Black"
blackTrail.Value = false
blackTrail.Parent = trails
blackTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 30)
local blueTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
blueTrail.Name = "Blue"
blueTrail.Value = false
blueTrail.Parent = trails
blueTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 50)
local greenTrail = Instance.new("BoolValue")
greenTrail.Name = "Green"
greenTrail.Value = false
greenTrail.Parent = trails
greenTrail:SetAttribute("Price", 50)
for i, trail in pairs(trails:GetChildren()) do
local owned = Instance.new("BoolValue")
owned.Value = false
owned.Parent = trail
owned.Name = "Owned"
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
if not character:FindFirstChild("CanDetect") then
local canDetect = Instance.new("BoolValue")
canDetect.Parent = character
canDetect.Name = "CanDetect"
canDetect.Value = true
local purpleSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
purpleSkin.Name = "Purple"
purpleSkin.Value = false
purpleSkin.Parent = ballSkins
purpleSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 120)
local orangeSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
orangeSkin.Name = "Orange"
orangeSkin.Value = false
orangeSkin.Parent = ballSkins
orangeSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 120)
local yellowSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
yellowSkin.Name = "Yellow"
yellowSkin.Value = false
yellowSkin.Parent = ballSkins
yellowSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 100)
local whiteSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
whiteSkin.Name = "White"
whiteSkin.Value = false
whiteSkin.Parent = ballSkins
whiteSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 60)
local blackSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
blackSkin.Name = "Black"
blackSkin.Value = false
blackSkin.Parent = ballSkins
blackSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 60)
local blueSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
blueSkin.Name = "Blue"
blueSkin.Value = false
blueSkin.Parent = ballSkins
blueSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 100)
local greenSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
greenSkin.Name = "Green"
greenSkin.Value = false
greenSkin.Parent = ballSkins
greenSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 100)
local oofSkin = Instance.new("BoolValue")
oofSkin.Name = "Oof"
oofSkin.Value = false
oofSkin.Parent = ballSkins
oofSkin:SetAttribute("Price", 225)
for i, skin in pairs(ballSkins:GetChildren()) do
local owned = Instance.new("BoolValue")
owned.Value = false
owned.Parent = skin
owned.Name = "Owned"
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
if not character:FindFirstChild("CanDetect") then
local canDetect = Instance.new("BoolValue")
canDetect.Parent = character
canDetect.Name = "CanDetect"
canDetect.Value = true
local winsdata
local coinsdata
local shardsdata
local debugg
local mobile
local TSens
local fov
local wind
local walkingParticles
local TFOV
local redTrail_ = nil
local blueTrail_ = nil
local yellowTrail_ = nil
local greenTrail_ = nil
local whiteTrail_ = nil
local blackTrail_ = nil
local orangeTrail_ = nil
local purpleTrail_ = nil
local rainbowTrail_ = nil
local blueSkin_ = nil
local yellowSkin_ = nil
local greenSkin_ = nil
local whiteSkin_ = nil
local blackSkin_ = nil
local orangeSkin_ = nil
local purpleSkin_ = nil
local oofSkin_ = nil
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
winsdata = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-wins")
coinsdata = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-coins")
shardsdata = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-shards")
debugg = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-debug")
mobile = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-mobile")
TSens = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-TSens")
fov = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-fov")
wind = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-wind")
walkingParticles = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-walkingParticles")
TFOV = settingsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-TFOV")
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.Trail:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("CanDetect") then
local canDetect = Instance.new("BoolValue")
canDetect.Parent = player.Character
canDetect.Name = "CanDetect"
canDetect.Value = true
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Red" then
redTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Red_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
blueTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Blue_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
yellowTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Yellow_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
greenTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Green_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
whiteTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-White_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
blackTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetChildren(player.UserId.."-Black_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
orangeTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Orange_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
purpleTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Purple_trail", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Rainbow" then
rainbowTrail_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Rainbow_trail", owned.Value)
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.BallSkins:GetDescendants()) do -- ballskins
if not player.Character:FindFirstChild("CanDetect") then
local canDetect = Instance.new("BoolValue")
canDetect.Parent = player.Character
canDetect.Name = "CanDetect"
canDetect.Value = true
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Oof" then
oofSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Oof_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
blueSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Blue_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
yellowSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Yellow_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
greenSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Green_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
whiteSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-White_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
blackSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetChildren(player.UserId.."-Black_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
orangeSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Orange_ballskin", owned.Value)
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
purpleSkin_ = itemsDatastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-Purple_ballskin", owned.Value)
if success then
wins.Value = winsdata
coins.Value = coinsdata
shards.Value = shardsdata
player.Settings.DebugMode.Value = debugg or false
player.Settings.MobileControls.Value = mobile or false
player.Settings.ThrowingSensitivity.Value = TSens or 0.2
player.Settings.FOV.Value = fov or 70
player.Settings.Wind.Value = wind or true
player.Settings.WalkingParticles.Value = walkingParticles or true
player.Settings.ThrowingFOV.Value = TFOV or 20
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.Trail:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Red" then
owned.Value = redTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
owned.Value = blueTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
owned.Value = yellowTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
owned.Value = greenTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
owned.Value = whiteTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
owned.Value = blackTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
owned.Value = orangeTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
owned.Value = purpleTrail_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Rainbow" then
owned.Value = rainbowTrail_
for i, owned in pairs(player.ShopItems.BallSkins:GetDescendants()) do -- trail
if owned.Name == 'Owned' then
if owned.Parent.Name == "Oof" then
owned.Value = oofSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Blue" then
owned.Value = blueSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Yellow" then
owned.Value = yellowSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Green" then
owned.Value = greenSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
owned.Value = whiteSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Black" then
owned.Value = blackSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Orange" then
owned.Value = orangeSkin_
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "Purple" then
owned.Value = purpleSkin_
for i,object in ipairs(player.Character:GetDescendants()) do
if object:IsA("BasePart") then
PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(object, "Player")
print("Data loaded")
print("Error when loading data: ")
local trailAttach1 = Instance.new("Attachment")
trailAttach1.Name = "TrailAttachment1"
trailAttach1.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart
trailAttach1.WorldPosition = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0,1.2,0)
local trailAttach2 = Instance.new("Attachment")
trailAttach2.Name = "TrailAttachment2"
trailAttach2.Parent = character.HumanoidRootPart
trailAttach2.WorldPosition = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0,-1,0)
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
if success == true then
MessagingService:SubscribeAsync("Save", function(player)
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
if success == true then
for _, player in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
Alright Ill look into it rq for ya
holy damm youre 100% going to hit the limit
please try optimising this
this will not work realistically if 3 players join in a minute
I would recommend changing your code so that what they own and other stats are all in one table and you just load and save that table.
Having a datastore for each item is just about the worst way to do this. You’re going over the limit of datastore calls about halfway through loading one player’s data…
As @MrLonely1221 and Roblox states, use as few DataStores as possible.
Instead of having a singular DataStore for each item and stat, we can simply do
local playerStats = {
Stats = {
Wins = 0,
Coins = 0,
Shards = 0
Settings = {
Inventory = {
TrailA = true, -- owned
TrailB = false -- not owned
We only need one datastore here! If you want, you can use three, however I’d just use one.
Trust me, your code will look way better, and looking for issues will be a piece of cake.
Using that many DataStores will eventually hit you with a rate limit. And now if you want to add more items it’ll be as simple as just adding a line or two.
Plus, try using string concatenation (or interpolation)! Instead of doing
elseif owned.Parent.Name == "White" then
owned.Value = whiteTrail_
you can do…
owned.Value = Data.Inventory.Trails[`{string.lower(owned.Parent.Name)}Trail_`]
…from your datastore.
So easy! No need for elseif
Don’t set string values with a instance, use instance.name or return a tostring
You only need one value (PlayerId) for GetAsync, you are getting the value from the datastore already. This will stop the error completely
Yea, as the people above said, you should optimize it into tables for more efficient saving
good idea! what would be the best way to implement this though, i’m still a little confused on how it would be different for each player.
thank you
nevermind! i just figured it out. thank you so much for the advice this works so much better
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