Saving Model to Roblox Crashes Studio

Hey, so recently I’ve been trying to save the models I make so I can use them for other games that I plan to make and for some reason whenever I save one to roblox by simply right clicking the model in explorer and pressing save to roblox but for some reason it flat out just freezes and crashes roblox studio.

I tried to search up the problem to see if anyone had the same problem to no avail.

Its a bit frustrating because whatever work that I haven’t saved since the last auto-recovery is completely wiped.

Wondering if anyone else has had the same issue and can help me out a bit?


im also having the same problem to overcome i just wait a while and my studio comes back also just note that i have a very crappy pc so it might be the pc problem?

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I highly doubt that, for me personally it just started happening all of a sudden


It worked for me just fine before

Have you tried Publishing the Place to Roblox first to see what that does?
Maybe save a copy to your computer files before you try any Publish to Roblox saves.

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Try saving the models to a file, so you can still use them in other games.


I’ve published the game to roblox multiple times and then made it a model but doesnt work

Same here. I have done making a mini car model but trying to save instantly freezes and crashes my Roblox Studio.

I have tried:

  • Modifying everything in this model
  • Saved certain other models
  • Changing baseplates
  • Uninstalling/reinstalling Roblox Studio
  • Rebooting my PC
  • Tried my ALT account

No effect, the problem keeps going. CAN YOU GIVE ME SOLUTIONS TO FIX THIS ANNOYING PROBLEM!?!?!?!?!

Evidence Video:


Have you recently installed any plugins that may be causing the issue?

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It’s a bug, no idea how to fix it just encountered it about 90 minutes ago. Am seeing an uptick in reports on 3rd party and YT about it.


I have tried uninstalling plugins and tried saving my model but still crashes every single model I save

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It’s been 2 weeks since I get this on my future models! I get it because I don’t know… it’s suddenly happening and no solution can help it…

I am getting concerns and I don’t know…

it’s the cause of the thermal gens and bunker model




just started getting this issue as well

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Same here, Roblox Studio also crashes for me when i try to save it to Roblox, however saving it as file doesnt crash, i dont know why this suddently happened.

Maybe something bad happened with Roblox Studio not being able to upload anything?

If the model youre trying to upload on Roblox is in a local Roblox place file, then you need to upload the place as a Roblox game THEN you can upload the model.

NOTE: if you make a change to the model or youre uploading a new one, FIRST save the place as a roblox game THEN upload the model.


Tried, and the fact that the solution actually works. Finally decided to fix the problem…! Now I can upload anything I want!

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this still wasn’t fixed. i keep getting this issue when saving big models. my only temporary fix is:
Saving a simple part to ur inventory, then save the model you want to save overwriting that part and it will work.