Say "Hello" to Display Names!

Some children, don’t know official roblox developers have badges.


Putting a paywall behind devs to stop their own impersonation is bad UX and shouldn’t be the solution. Devs will just not purchase this and impersonation will still be a huge problem. I personally don’t want to drop $350 on a username, at that point i’d rather people just be misled.


A lot of kids won’t think about checking reliability. They just see their favorite youtuber sending them a free robux link and that’s enough for them to get scammed.


Because it isn’t explicit. Setting a DisplayName is much easier to notice than looking at the profile of a specific user or looking at a hidden badge list.

This isn’t confirmed, but it’s likely Roblox will make DisplayNames part of the sign-up process, further decreasing chances of getting tricked by it.

Well, if roblox is going to implement this update, roblox should implement a developer verification badge, that only a selected developers qualify for, this badge would show up in game, basically like other social medias.

What do you all think? Heart this if you agree.


Sure, but prioritizing it over the user’s real username? This will cause real issues that way outway the benefits of a platform wide nickname that isn’t really necessary.


I agree completely. A system to easily identify popular users could be a further step on avoiding impersonation, with or without DisplayNames.


The only people worth impersonating and blacklisting are official roblox staff. Definitely possible to filter out anyone trying to change their display name to the username of anyone on the roblox team.


See my reply to another person in this thread.

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Very interesting update. What will happen to the username change cost then? Will it just go away and whatever you have as your username is permanent?

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Not just staff, youtubers and other celebrities too.


Actually, there’s already a filter in place to avoid situations where someone tries to impersonate a Roblox staff. Seems like a few top devs are included in it too, but it’s definitely not the solution.


Filter cannot stop 100% of the scams, there’s always some methods to get past it.

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That’s why it’s for big games. The fee surely wouldn’t hurt massive creators bringing in well over that amount every day who are looking to stop impersonation of them throughout the entire platform.

For smaller devs who aren’t being impersonated in scam games on the daily, a filter to prevent people from using your username as their display name in your games should be adequate.


Or just don’t release this feature at all. A verification system doesn’t solve all the issues, only dev impersonation.

I can’t imagine all the people joining the game named “Builderman” or something… How are you supposed to distinguish anyone?

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Mhm, I’d be perfectly fine if there was a verification program. (Not just for youtubers) but for developers as well.

We’ve been discussing about how negative this update can be, I would love to hear how this update can be useful or good for roblox. Would you mind enlightening me? I just dont see what’s so useful about this update, I mean it’s cool but is it really worth it?


Well, I am just saying, if they are not going to listen to us, and release this anyway they could at least do a verification process.

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You’d be surprised how little of a following you need before people start to impersonate you. I wouldn’t consider myself a huge developer however people are constantly trying to impersonate me.


To be honest, scamming content such as that has been around on Roblox for a very long time and is in fact not alarming. I really don’t believe that it will be a much effective way with the new update to get people hooked onto a typical “free robux” scam, and actually, much of the kids who fall for it to do not fall under the demographic for what phising and compromising communities look for. They target high powered developers, content creators, and rich traders as having access to their accounts can cause a lot more damage compared to a regular bacon-hair.