Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)

The new dragger seems to work poorly with MeshParts that aren’t using box collisions.

I expect it to behave the same way it does with smooth terrain.


+1 to this, I’d really like this since I’m using polygons as mesh parts and it’d save me a ton of time being able to snap to normals like any other part and terrain.

I had asked XAXA if this was possible and sadly it doesnt seem possible with the beta dragger nor the original. :frowning:


The reason I shied away from this is because it naturally leads to the question “Why can’t I snap to the edge of the CSG part, when I can do that for parts?” since I can’t give the dragger true snapping to CSGs. On terrain it’s not apparent that it’s only snapping to the normal, and not to any sort of grid, but it would be very apparent with CSGs, and likely frustrating.

Another difficulty with this is that Join Surfaces won’t work that way. Join Surfaces has to treat the CSG like a bounding box, so then you won’t be able to join a dragged part with a CSG you’re dragging it onto ever.

I’ll consider changing the behavior back to handling it like terrain.

Or an option to choose one or the other maybe?

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The problem is where do you put it? We don’t have a good place to expose options for the dragger right now because every accessible place we could put them is already starved for real-estate. We’re going to solve that problem but not before the full release of the dragger. Adding more options to studio settings at the moment is perilous when the dialog to change them is so hidden that basically nobody will ever change them.


The Lua Dragger starts activated in Play Solo. I don’t think most developers want to start out Play Solo with the dragger activated since they want to test their game’s tools instead.

I appreciated this new dragger, since 2014 when I had my account Peterboy1993 I couldn’t be able to drag parts each others. I’m from Peterboy1993 and Peterboy_RBLX.

It look like I must request feature beta by adding my username, thank very much for this new Dragger! :wink:

the new lua dragger have a problem when using it with an attatchment,

after inserting an attatchment into a part. move the part them grab the attatchment and move it. it will move the part instead the attatchment.

I have a fix going out for that problem later today. Until it goes out you can re-select the tool after changing your selection from a part to an attachment or vice versa.

allright, thanks for the fast awser and attention.

Got a slight problem using the new Lua Dragger.

Giving an error of:

“RunService:fireRenderStepEarlyFunctions unexpected error while invoking callback: builtin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.DraggerTools.DraggerToolComponent:34: setState cannot be used in the willUnmount lifecycle method.”

It is just stuck there… And wont remove itself after selecting another dragger. Well, I mean I cant even use the rotation dragger after this. Time to restart Roblox Studio!


You are so right. It better than the older days. :slight_smile:

This is amazing, I am at loss for words…

Do you know what you did to trigger this? Have you triggered it again?

Yes I did somehow again, I think it is when you try to switch the draggers to fast, either than that, I am lost for words, don’t really know any other reason why it is like that.

I also noticed it, while working around roblox terrain it happens more often there… Maybe something to do with the terrain? I don’t really know. I will try to give it more attention so I can maybe notice how to reproduce the error.

@tnavarts I prepared a full repro for @MatkeFTW’s bug:

The problem occurs when you switch to a different tool while rotating. Since I work a lot with hotkeys, I find this really annoying. Here are the reproduction steps:

  • Select the Rotate tool
  • Make sure you have a hotkey set for the move tool
  • While rotating a brick, use the hotkey.

EDIT: Bug happens on all other tools, any combination when switching from one to the other.


I really like the new dragger! It was GREAT upgrade!

Fixed, a fix will be in the July 22ⁿᵈ release.

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We’ve temporarily disabled the LuaDraggers Beta Feature to try to debug an ongoing issue. We expect to be able to re-enable it soon (by end of day).

Thanks for your patience.

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The beta is available again, rejoice!