Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)

Yep, I’ve probably broken so many things in my game at this point because they’ve been unanchored and I was unaware that the dragger unanchors everything.

It’s based off of welds (probably makes it eaiser to move) so it needs to unanchor everything and i guess it forgets to set things back sometimes

If the models I’m dragging aren’t welded and are anchored, why would it need to unanchor that model? That doesn’t make much sense; I always have “Join Surfaces” off too, which would otherwise have behavior that affects welds.

The dragging system welds.
If you look, you can see it making a weld called “Temporary Movement Weld”

Ah, I see…

I really hope it isn’t reconciling my model in Roact when I drag it… cause that would be extra dumb of a way to implement a dragger tool.

Okay, I think I’m understanding what the bug is, and why so many of my models are unanchored while you drag them

When you duplicate the selection that you’re dragging (Ctrl+D), the abstraction of unanchoring parts to drag them leaks, and the duplicate object ends up unanchored.

Often times, when I am placing models all over the place, I want to press Ctrl+D while dragging repeatedly, so that I can stamp these models all over; however, it seems that this will unanchor the ones that I want to place unknowingly.

Also, when you enter a context menu (via right click), and you left click to enter the viewport again, a “Mouse down” input will register before a “Mouse up” input registers, and the system doesn’t like that…

Unanchoring/anchoring the dragging model seems to be directly died to input events like this, so whenever there are errors on these input events (especially forced errors like in these assertions), it also causes problems with how the dragger wants to clean up what you’re dragging. Regardless of this, I don’t expect or want my model to ever be unanchored while I’m dragging it, since there are a number of operations mid-drag that rely on my model not being unanchored, such as duplicating your selection via Ctrl+D.

The dragger doesn’t seem to be handling input cases like these very well, since it relies on roblox input events. So it doesn’t seem to be very good at cleaning up after itself in certain not-so-edge cases.

Good thing it’s a beta, and not in production.

No-ish. Given that it rotates around the cursor, if you pick up the object by the center, it will rotate around the center. If you have a particular use case that is difficult with it working the current way, please explain it so that I can make sure there is a way to accomplish what you want.

What kind of workflow are you performing where you do not want it to match orientation when dragging stuff?

I think you accidentally turned “Collisions” on. When collisions are enabled, that’s the expected behavior. If you want the selection to stay exactly where it was you can disable Collisions.

Will fix. Thanks for the clear report.

I’m thinking the same thing. Breaking this Ctrl+D workflow is not an acceptable outcome, I’ll likely make a solution that tries to fix this whole class of problems.

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I don’t know how this is more effortless, since when I need to move something, I have to unanchor it and then drag it and then reanchor it.

Can there be an option in settings to toggle between the traditional and the Lua dragger?

Why do I keep thinking this is an April Fools joke?

Anyways I think this is a GREAT addition for everybody, including me (even though I barely build)

I am beyond happy you guys are adding this feature.I always get frustrated cuz of the current dragger. I think this is one of the best studio updates so far. This will be way more practical than our current dragger. Finally I can stop using the “Move” tool 24/7. In summary this update is just great.

Could you explain in more detail? You should not have to touch the anchored property at all to use these the same way you did the old ones.

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No, the old draggers are being replaced by this. If you have issues that prevent you from using the new ones speak up now and we will resolve them before forcing the switch.


Amazing, this is going to make building and using these tools in general a whole lot easier. Thank you for this!

Omg… Finally! This is so much easier than the old Dragger!

This is amazing the Lua Dragger helps me so much omg amazing!

My main issue with the new Lua version is that upon selecting multiple bricks to move around, if some are rotated on an angle, the draggers don’t show up in a perfect-square format. Now they’re weirdly aligned with the one of the rotated parts. Examples below.

My bug is that when I duplicate it goes ontop of the part and I can’t move it in the part of like doing anything it’s like its stuck
edit: i had collisions on sorry

They don’t deliberately pick the rotated part, given your workflow I’m guessing it just ends up being the rotated part more often, but it’s just picking an arbitrary one of the parts.

We’re going to be adding a “Primary” selection. When you shift-click or drag select to select multiple parts like that, the first part that was selected will be the primary selection. If the primary selection was always the one the orientation was based on, would that satisfy your use case?


To be clear, this isn’t about the movers being in the same angle as the part when only that specific part is selected. It’s more so about when you have multiple bricks selected.