Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)

Is this related to the new draggers?

hover explorer spacing thing

I’m just hovering and not clicking to select or anything, so I don’t think so, but here you go.

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It is, I have had this issue recently using them. My fix apart from restarting studio is to click somewhere on the asset manager each time you want it to go away, but I guess that’s a bit annoying to do each time

Want what to go away? I was referring to the explorer changing spacing when you hovered something, but then reverting back when you moved your cursor to empty space.

I thought the cursor was supposed to go back to a pointer
Sorry for the confusion

It is. But that’s been a bug for a while and (IIRC) they already stated they have no intention of fixing it.

Where did they state they wouldn’t be fixing the mouse icon bug? I don’t see why they wouldn’t be able to fix it.

Also, I’ve filed a bug report for it already : Mouse icon not updating properly with new lua draggers

Another one… :pensive:

Stack Trace

12:24:01.732 - Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Src.RotateToolImpl:211: Missing dragging handle ID. 12:24:01.733 - Stack Begin 12:24:01.733 - Script 'Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Src.RotateToolImpl', Line 211 - function mouseDrag 12:24:01.734 - Script 'Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerStates.DraggingHandle', Line 57 - function processViewChanged 12:24:01.734 - Script 'Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.DraggerTool', Line 330 - function _processViewChanged 12:24:01.735 - Script 'Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.DraggerTool', Line 85 - function onHoverExternallyChanged 12:24:01.735 - Script 'Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.HoverTracker', Line 69 12:24:01.736 - Stack End 12:27:04.297 - Baseplate auto-recovery file was created

And another-nother one as of 4/21/20. If you toggle the freecamera, select an object, and then go into move mode, studio crashes. FeelsGoodMan.

I am getting significant frame drops when using the move/rotate tools right now. Using a plugin to do these tasks instead, I get 60 FPS, while the move/rotate tools cut my framerate in half. This is on a Team Create place with a part count of ~40,000


Yes They finally did it!!!

I’m so happy about this because the old dragging into a gap was so bad it always go like under the map or something but now it don’t !! Because the new Dragging into a gap don’t go father it just go top of the block u are putting it !

Thank you so much for fixing

I seem to be getting this error at random when working with tools that contain parts with specialmeshes in them :

If I click on the rotation circles again, the error simply repeats each time I click them:

I remember this being such a problem back when I was more into building, so I am so happy to see this added, and can’t wait to try it!

I’m still trying to nail down what causes that Missing dragging handle ID error. If you can find a reliable repro it would be very helpful.

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I’ll try to create one, if I find it I’ll reply here with it.

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Will there be a way to make it so rotations are centered, instead of wherever the mouse is hovered? There are many instances where rotating based on the center of an object would be more useful than by mouse position. Also, will there a possiblity for users to switch between the Lua and C++ draggers in settings when this officially launches? Everything else looks delightful, though.

Wonderful. No complaints whatsoever here from what I can see, now I will actually be able to assemble things without spending 30 minutes on orientation.

That seems like a really epic update! I’m definitely gonna try it. But I felt like by saying “Old C++ dragger”, you’re attacking/ruining the reputation of C++. Correct me if I’m wrong/it’s just me feeling like that.

Can I turn this off. It’s rotating everything I drag.

There’s this new issue I found. Not sure if it is intended or not, but it is extremely difficult to build with.
Take a part, and duplicate it. I’m not sure if there’s an option to disable this or not, but this is what it looks like:

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Going to have to disable this one. :frowning:
I’ve had multiple times where it unanchors a model after moving it.

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I can second this. I’ll just wait for the next update.