Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)

I have been using this dragger for while and I have to say it’s a real life saver!! It’s very easy and clean to use and all round much better, I cannot even remember using regular studio now because this is all I’m used to. I am never switching back this is amazing!

If you look in the Output window (View → Output), do you see an error there when this problem this occurs?

Found a minor issue that doesn’t seem to affect the performance of the draggers.
If I select the dragger attachment parts under CoreGui, it causes this error to appear:




I’m still encountering 2 bugs:

  • when using the Lock tool, the mouse icon doesn’t change and is confusing to use. Edit: Oh it’s a known issue

  • when selecting a long part, one axis’s arrow becomes huge and has a ridiculous hitbox. This picture is showing how the green axis arrow is being “hovered” over but is in fact nowhere near it. Even when I’m closer to the halfpipe with the green arrow behind the camera, the green arrow is still being “hovered” over, stealing the ability to grab the other arrows. The part’s size is (2.5, 816.5, 10.51)

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Having used the new Lua dragger for a while now I can definitely say there is a huge difference.

It is a lot easier to use and essentially helps with efficiency. I’ve had no issues using the new Lua dragger and, not only does it function better, it looks a lot better too.

Definitely one of the best updates Roblox has implemented in a while.

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You’ll be happy to know I’ve fixed both of these.

The mouse icon fix will be next week, and the handle scaling fix for long skinny parts will be tomorrow.


I’ve discovered an interesting bug with the dragger tool, it seems to specifically involve SpawnLocations. If a group of parts are close together, then after manipulating them, the SpawnLocation will move itself as if collisions were on.

A GIF of the issue:
SpawnPad.rbxm (8.3 KB)


Try this again now, I think it should be fixed by the latest changes.

I’ve turned on the last large batch of flags, so the Lua Draggers Beta should be pretty close to the final release version at this point. Outstanding known issues with fixes coming out next week:

  • Dragging onto almost but not exactly 45 degree slopes occasionally messes up the CFrame of the dragged objects.

  • The mouse icon gets messed by builtin plugins, so tools like the Lock or Surface tool will not show their correct icon with the beta enabled.

  • When constraint details is disabled, and you hover a constraint, you’ll get an empty constraint details tooltip.

  • WeldConstraint and NoCollisionConstraint aren’t selectable with the Lua Draggers Beta.

There are no other known issues. If you’re still having an issue other than the above, please bring it up here ASAP.


Can there be a way to make it so resizing multiple parts resizes along a single axis instead of increasing the size of every axis? I want to make this “tunnel” longer, not bigger and I don’t think I can do that with this tool


The reason that we can’t add this is because models are built out of parts… and you can’t scale a part in an arbitrary direction. Imagine if you had a part tilted 45 degrees as part of that models you wanted to scale. What would happen if you scaled it on one axis? That part wouldn’t be a normal box part anymore, it would be a rhombus mesh. Same thing for any CSGs, CSGs can’t be non-uniformly scaled, so nothing with a CSG in it could be scaled that way.

Given that most models have some parts which can’t be scaled for the above reasons, it would be really confusing to make the few models that have only non-CSG exactly aligned parts scale differently. I wish we could do something about this in the core tools, but I don’t see any path to doing that right now.


Did I just enter heaven :flushed:


I absolutely love these new draggers! They’re so much easier to use when aligning parts, and certainly more predictable. My only complaint is the rotate tool – I love that it no longer goes absolutely huge with say a 1*1*200 stud part, but with the lack of knobs and radial lines it’s a bit hard to tell how much a part has been rotated:

This is mostly an artifact of the tool being in an intermediary state. We’re planning on adding an enhancement where all the draggers show you in much more detail “how much you’ve moved so far”.


Nice! The new Lua dragger looks pretty cool! I especially like the new rotate features. However, collisions are barely working, meaning that I always have to turn off collisions when building.

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I apologize for the late reply, I had to wait for the behavior to occur again. There are no errors in output.

Adding on: There is also some very strange behavior happening with the selection tool, it’s as if the selection point is being greatly offset to a point not under the cursor.

Are there any other Windows users experiencing this? I’m worried that this is just a Mac bug, since the platform in general is neglected for the Mac.

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So it’s a very rare occurrence? How often does it happen?

Do you have some sort of unusual setup, such as undocking the 3d view from the main window? Is this behavior also rare, or does it always do this?


The new Lua dragger doesnt happen to scale with the size of parts, and makes it look very odd and out of place, and it may just be my opinion, but the new Lua dragger just looks too modern and doesnt fill the same purpose as the classic. I just hope this doesnt turn into the permanent dragger and instead serves as a side choice

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They are replacing the old draggers, it will not be optional. If you have any specific usability complaints please raise them as soon as possible.

However, as they are now written entirely in non-privileged Lua code, if there’s enough demand someone could copy and modify the code to make a community plugin version which looks exactly like the old one.

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Will there be any way to preserve/fork the functionality of the current outgoing draggers, as I’m too used to the current behaviour?

As with basically every change, there will not be a permanent way to keep the old behaviour; it’s better you adjust or provide feedback so the feature can improve.

It’s a lot of unnecessary work to maintain two different draggers, and a way to switch between the two; especially when the changes (appears to be) for clearing out internal tech debt.