Say hello to the new Lua dragger (Beta)

In particular do you mean any changes to the way the drag handles look? The new drag handles are a reusable Roact component, so yes, there is a good chance they will show up in other Studio tooling in the future, though there’s no immediate plans to go back and change the terrain editor look and feel to match.


Yes that answers my question. Good to hear. Thanks for the response.

23:20:49.956 - Plugin_SelectDragger.rbxm.SelectDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Utility.SelectionWrapper:30: Error in event handler: Plugin_SelectDragger.rbxm.SelectDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Utility.PartMover:298: table index is nil

I think this one is it. This error also lead to the move drag tool breaking and being unselectable.

Also, there isn’t a specified model, it just happens everywhere, shown in this picture as well:



Awesome! But I am having a bug in this feature
here is the output. I dont know what is causing this.

And the move tool arrows seems to rely on how far away your camera is to it, as demonstrated by these screenshots. Which I don’t know if this is intentional or not.
When you are far from the part, the arrows seem way to big.
And when you are close to the part. The arrows seem way too small

I much rather have the arrows a set size.

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This is intentional, with the new design they’re intended to always fill approximately the same portion of the screen regardless of your zoom level so that they’re never hard to click on.


So this is happening to me too.
Rotated the part using Ctrl+T, then dragged it to intersect a part, and then tried-resizing it.


Also, for some reason, it’s re sizing the part even when the part is one stud wide and the movement is set to one stud?

Both problems are fixed and will ship this Thursday.

The draggers are pretty good, although my only complaint about them so far is when you use the resize tool and resize a part by an increment, (I usually have it set on .25 stud) the dragger resizes it smaller than the increment set instead of the increment (which should be the smallest size). Here’s a gif of what I mean:


Few problems with the new dragged, but it’ll be fixed Thursday. By then I’ll be loving it.

I love how it doesn’t offset parts when rotating it and then dragging it.

Just a quick check, is this problem also being fixed?

This happened when I tried to move a model inside of a model, which had other models in it… If that makes sense.

DM me the model in question please so I can verify.

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2 3 more

03:11:11.446 - Plugin_MoveDragger.rbxm.MoveDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Implementation.DraggerStates.DraggingHandle:53: Mouse should already be down while dragging handle.

03:16:57.217 - Plugin_RotateDragger.rbxm.RotateDragger.Src.RotateToolImpl:141: attempt to perform arithmetic (sub) on nil and number

…and now all of a sudden I can’t use the Rotate tool.

06:12:43.593 - Plugin_MoveDragger.rbxm.MoveDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.DraggerTool:301: setState cannot be used in the willUnmount lifecycle method.

06:12:43.593 - A component that is being unmounted cannot be updated!

06:12:43.594 -

06:12:43.594 - Check the definition of willUnmount in the component “DraggerTool”.

The above error occurs whenever you try to rotate a part that nests another part. I have a modulescript in there too, if that helps. Happens frequently on varying builds.

08:46:02.463 - Plugin_SelectDragger.rbxm.SelectDragger.Packages.DraggerFramework.Utility.PartMover:260: assertion failed!

I just tried to move a random model. This one happens fairly frequently on almost anything so eh

(don’t click on any of those, they’re just dummy links to open a script.)

Thank you New Lua Dragger, Very Cool!

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:wave: Hello new Lua dragger! This is a great update and I cant wait for it to be released!

Yep, I completely agree with you.

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Can we see the code? Also, it still is having some errors.

There is an issue where the circle resize draggers resize the wrong side, But other than that it’s perfect :ok_hand:

Selecting a lot of parts and changing their Size.

Studio freezes for a while and then I get THOUSANDS of long stack traces in console from the draggers’ bounding box things.

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If this is even half as good as it looks, Studio is going to feel so much better to use

I remember clinging onto that OLD classic Studio client for AGES because of how bad this Studio’s dragger was.

EDIT: So I tested this for a bit- OMG. It’s so good.


At long last, my painful existence with the old tools ends today.
edit: Some seem to be talking about performance when drawing models - the old dragger was slower at dragging models than the beta one for me
edit2: The thing both draggers lack is a thinner outline for small objects. how am i supposed to micro-adjust anything when there’s an outline twice its size?