Say Hello to the New Lua Draggers

I may know what’s going on with this, but it isn’t related to the Lua Draggers (though it certainly is a problem!). If it’s bothering you, you can set the “Active Color”/“Active Hover Over Color” in the Studio Settings to be the same as the “Select Color”/“Hover Over Color” to fix it temporarily, though long term you will want these to change these back to having different values.

We will investigate tomorrow, please like this reply if you are also seeing this orange highlight.


Hmm… I opened my main game where the highlight was happening, thought to open another baseplate today and see if this same problem is going to happen in another new place. I opened the new baseplate & it seemed to be just normal. I then closed out the Main game where the highlight was happening, re-opened that main game and now the orange highlight is gone. This is weird

Here is the picture of it being fixed:

when you zoom in and out the rotate size changes and when you resize the mesh also resizes and i dont like it

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and the flat draggers looks like it was made by a 5 year old bring back the 3d look

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Before this update there was a default plugin that aligned parts. I think this update removed that. I used that plugin to align angled parts without changing the size of the part. Can you guys re add it back in?

Explain what you mean by this? There was no intentional change to how mesh resizing works.

See the most recent posts in here: Align Tool Preview Release - #57 by TommyTrujieli

Unrelated to the Lua Draggers we accidentally broke the Align Tool in the most recent build and it wasn’t caught until too close to the release so it had to be temporarily disabled until the fix comes out. It will be available again in next week’s release.


Admittedly there are quite a few parts of the new stuff I don’t like, like how the new tools scale with how far away you are from them or how the rotate tool is just completely different and generally kind of more annoying to use as there’s none of the drag points anymore, but I’m sure this all could easily be fixed. I’m sure it’s just me being really used to the old tools.

Oh god… My draggers now act like plugins that tick on and off, and my mouse acts like there’s a GUI blocking. can’t have stuff in de- i mean roblox studio

Are you experiencing the same problem with the Toolbox / Terrain plugins? This is a general issue, not something specific to the draggers.


FYI: We just turned on a significant refactor of the Dragger plugins. Please be on the lookout for any new regressions in behavior, and if you find any let us know here.

Other changes:

  • We made a small adjustment to how Rotating / Axis Dragging works with the Constraints toggle on, you should not longer see parts “turn” in an arc when dragging them in this way.

  • We have reverted the Ctrl + Resize behavior. It now works like it did in the old C++ draggers.

  • Ctrl + clicking to select multiple parts now correctly updates the scroll state in the Explorer pane.

The new IK behavior in action:


The improvements made on the code are amazing however you should give us the option to disable tool resizing upon zooming (also right now visually checking the size tool increments is a pain) or the option to still use the legacy style. The style changes made it worth using 3rd party draggers even if it results in lower performance.

I know it hurts for whoever did the UI but it’s the hard truth.

Thank you for your honest feedback! We will continue to work to improve these draggers, don’t worry. If there are specific requests you have, especially if something affects your workflow (does zoom resizing impact it or is it just different behavior you dislike?), please feel free to reach out to me directly.


It seems that it’s no longer possible to deselect the draggers. The behavior before was:

  • If you deselected the move, scale, or rotate dragger, then the selection dragger would be selected.
  • If you deselect the selection dragger, no draggers are active and clicking in the viewport will not do anything.

This is disruptive to my workflow because sometimes I either want to use a dragger for a moment while testing a game, or I accidentally select a dragger because I use the same hotkeys in my game as the draggers are assigned to, and now I can’t click on anything while testing my game without also selecting it, which is annoying and prone to accidentally moving and breaking stuff.


Nothing was intentionally changed about this, and it still works for me. Could you try disabling your user plugins and figuring out of one of them is interacting poorly with the deselection behavior?


Strange, I can’t reproduce the issue anymore and I didn’t make any changes to plugins. Not sure what was happening, sorry I can’t give any info.

This may just be a ‘me’ issue but whenever I’m building now, say moving, dragging, rotating, and/or scaling, I find very tiny 0.025 (or less) ridges between parts. It’s usually doing two or more actions.

Let’s say I duplicate a part, then rotate, and scale said duplicated part a ridge appears (though not all the time.) It’s particularly annoying to fix, given how minute it is.

Example here, there are two parts here. The duplicate one is the part that’s (every so slightly) ‘taller’ than the original part even though I didn’t drag the part to shift it out of position. Instead, I rotated and then scaled the duplicated part which seems to have shifted it out of position.


This used to happen sporadically with the old draggers, but with the new draggers, it happens frequently now.

This is not a big issue by any means, just something I’ve noticed happening more frequently.

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i was talking about parts with the mesh instance the mesh instance in the part changes size

I found about the new draggers when I loaded into Studio one day and tried to create the rest of my game. To be honest, I quit trying to make my building after literally 10 minutes of struggling with the new rotate tool. I found the tools, especially rotate, very hard to use and it would be nice if there was a option in Studio Settings called “Enable New Lua Draggers” in the “Studio” segment. I would also REALLY like if the orbs while rotating come back since they really helped me when trying to rotate parts quickly.

Regarding the animation editor, I believe there should definitely be an option for the old draggers. It’s hard enough for me and others to animate simple R6 rigs, and the new draggers will make it even worse.

Here’s a suggestion (for the rotate tool specifically):

  1. Make it appear like the old ones where if a section of the dragger is under a part, it doesn’t show up. The current rotate tool acts like the BillboardGui’s AlwaysOnTop property is set to true.

  2. Add the orbs back for the rotate tool.

  3. There’s probably more but I can’t think of them right now :joy:

Please take my ideas into consideration, Roblox! Also, please heart the post if you agree with my ideas so I know who’s out there that agrees with me.

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I personally don’t have any issue with the rotate tool lacking the old handles and I actually find it easier to use without them because they declutter the gizmo. To guess why people are unhappy though, maybe the rings are a smaller and less obvious target than a large orb and are harder to click on for some, and rotating the ring feels less concrete than moving an orb on the ring and seeing it move along with your mouse.

I’m sure everyone can get used to these differences; everyone in this community inflates how annoyed they actually are when something changes. However, it would be helpful if anyone unhappy with the resize tool’s design could explain exactly why they don’t like that it doesn’t have huge orb handles. Nobody has really bothered to explain what they don’t like and why they don’t like it.

As an aside, one thing I do miss is the shading on the handles, previously it was a good frame of reference for where my camera was, and which handle was closest to the camera. It’s a little slower for me now to see which handle is the foreground one.


We will take a look at this. Do you happen to have a sample place you could send us with steps to reproduce it?