i have recently finished recoding my 3D ui system for my game from the ground up, but i found a problem
it cannot rescale based on the fov! and a class im working on have to be able to scope in!
how can i fix this?
i have recently finished recoding my 3D ui system for my game from the ground up, but i found a problem
it cannot rescale based on the fov! and a class im working on have to be able to scope in!
are they surfaceguis attached to the camera?
their position are calculated based on the camera position and size, yea
local viewportSize = camera.ViewportSize
local RayPlacement = camera:ViewportPointToRay(viewportSize.X * (position.X/units), viewportSize.Y * (position.Y/units), position.Z)
local place = RayPlacement.Origin + RayPlacement.Direction
i have an idea but i am not sure if it is the best solution, try putting them in a viewport frame in the playergui
im almost sure it would make the buttons not be able to be clickable anymore, and its meant to be mobile compatible
i doubt this will work, but i had the idea to use something similar to the rule of threes
viewportFrame didnt work as it cant render surface GUI, and my proportion idea didnt work as it didnt succesfully keep the rotation
bump, this might be a bigger problem than i thought
Angular diameter might be what your looking for?
theta = arctan(d/2D)
d is your diameter or scale of object. D is distance from the object.
theta would be the fov.
You can rewrite this as
Maybe I’m stupid, but that’s my logic lmao
d is the object scale. D is the distance, theta is the fov
or just solve for d (object scale) instead
so the d scale is the size magnitude? D would be the Z position I would assume
Yeah it terms of CFrames then D would be Z. d is really something you gotta tamper with, I would use that as a scale value, so the original size of the object at x fov would be your initial scale of 1, and then you go from there.
Calcuation : 70 FOV at 5 distance = initial scale.
Next calculation : 70 FOV at 6 distance = initial scale - new calcuation (this way you can get the variance)
ok so i have to find the d scale using the same calculation? i changed it to be ( default distance ) / 2*math.tan(math.rad( default FOV )), which resulted in 1.0919107027986072, so i find the variance then multiply the size or the Z distance by this?
edit: ok i think it would be distance because size wouldnt work