Scale just the Y in a model and stretch it?

I want the player to get larger and stretch on the Y axis. Since the player is a model, I have to change its scale but is there anyway to just scale the Y only?

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There are NumberValue objects inside of Humanoids that handles scaling for you. From a server script, you can set the one for height, which is called BodyHeightScale

-- In a server script:
local NEW_HEIGHT = 5
local OFFSET = 1
local SCALAR = 2

local humanoid = some.Path.To.Humanoid
local bodyHeightScaleObjectValue = humanoid:FindFirstChild("BodyHeightScale")

-- Setting the value
bodyHeightScaleObjectValue.Value = NEW_HEIGHT

-- Adding to the value
bodyHeightScaleObjectValue.Value += OFFSET

-- Scaling the value
bodyHeightScaleObjectValue.Value *= SCALAR

Using the explorer properties explorer, I see that the value changes but the player’s size doesn’t.

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You need to be in Server view in order for the changes to take effect. (Changing the value on the client doesn’t do anything)

Edited my previous post to call this out

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