I’m trying to figure out how to scale 3D clothing using the humanoid Depth,Height,Width,etc. parameters
For this test, I’m using free models from GPO (not actually using it for a game just to learn 3d clothes work when scaling)
Anyway I was able to semi-complete it by scaling the size of the clothing based on the multiplier I set, but by doing that…it scales the clothing but clothing pieces some need lil extra help or more tweaking then others due to clothing size. Like you can see how the bigger I get things like the buttons on the shirt disapear, but then are back once i’m small…
Yet other characters who may not have as much or different size 3d clothing seem to work just fine
So at this point…Honestly I don’t know what to do or the correct way to go about this.
local Multiplier = 1.2
--Below is just the scale part for the shirt but all the clothing pieces are the same--
local Shirt = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Shirt")
if Shirt then
for i,v in pairs(Shirt:GetDescendants()) do
if v.Name == "RealOriginalSize" then -- I put a vector3 value inside each part of the shirt to record the original size
local OriginalSize = v
local CurrentPart = v.Parent
CurrentPart.Size = OriginalSize.Value * (Multiplier + .1)