Hi I was wondering if it is possible to scale a scrolling frames based on the number of elements inside of the UI list layout.
tip: if you dont want the Y size of the GUI being used in the list layout UI to change when the scrolling canvas is resized based on the content size, then make the size constraint relative to XX
You can use UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize
, and scale the canvas of the ScrollingFrame
local frame = --scrolling frame
local listlayout = -- list layout parented to frame
local contentsize = listlayout.AbsoluteContentSize
frame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,contentsize.X,0,contentsize.Y)
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The Code & Explanation
Every time you add or remove a element, update to the new size. Using UIListLayout.AbsoluteContentSize
, you can get the size of the frame elements. The code below also supports both horizontal and vertical scrolling elements.
(the frame) and ui
(the list layout) should be defined.
local frame = -- the frame
local ui = -- list layout
local function UpdateSize()
wait()--Ui list layouts can sometimes take time to update
local cS = ui.AbsoluteContentSize --X = x pixels, Y = Y pixels
frame.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0,cS.X,0,cS.Y) --Change that UDim into a UDim2
I still have a problem with this code because my text buttons are scaled base on the size of the scrolling frame so when i change the size of the scrolling frame it shrinks the size of the textbutton. I knew about the content size from before i should have been more specific sorry
i found a solution to my problem and added it to the post for anyone that has this issue in the future
Just wanted to add: You could instead of using XX, use XY and set the position like this:
The 10 could be 0.1*Frame.AbsoluteSize.Y, and it would be 1/10 of the visible frame’s size. Just wanted to add that this is also possible, glad you found your solution.