Scaling Image Labels and Image Buttons

I am trying to center my Donate GUI and I used a plugin and this happened? I tried almost every plugin and none of them worked or just did this to me. Is there any way I can fit this shop on all screens and center it? This is getting so annoying. I’m only worried about the frame where you Donate. The button on the bottom left is fine on all screens some how?

I also searched for this and nothing changed or worked. I have been stuck on this all day.

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What plugins have you tried using?

AutoScale Gui. One of the popular ones

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Try using an AnchorPoint of (0.5, 0.5), so the Gui’s position is situated at the centre of the gui, then set its Position to {0.5, 0}, {0.5, 0} so that it’s always positioned at the centre of the screen. You might also want to try using UI Constraints, especially the UIAspectRatioConstraint, so it can be scaled well on all devices

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For fitting a UI Element at the center of the screen, you’d want to utilize AnchorPoints, which is where the object is placed according to it’s Position. If you wanted your window to stay at the center, you’d want it’s AnchorPoint to be, 0.5) or {0.5, 0.5}, and it’s Position to be, 0, 0.5, 0) or {0.5, 0}, {0.5, 0}. Also, I notice how your window’s been stretched out. To counter this, you’d want to use a UIAspectRatioContrast, and set the ratio to whatever the ratio of your image’s absolute Y size is to it’s absolute X size.

Edit: I have just seen @Raredendoblox’s post, and it seems to explain quite well, what I’m trying to convey to you.


This would works on all devices? I did this and it worked better then before. But I tried looking on another laptop and everything looks so small. Its only the text buttons and the X only look small.

Yes, I believe this would work on all devices as long as it were using scales. I’d recommend using scales to size the UI, but I’d definitely also incorporate the use of UISizeConstraints, to clamp the size so it doesn’t get too small or too big.

Oh ok this helped a little bit! Thank you.

No problem! I’m glad I could help!