My GUI originally fit for both PC and mobile devices. The scaling was good.
The new core gui and its readded topbar pushed down the previously screenfilling backframe and scaled down the buttons (the new topbar inset basically squashed them a little) on PC.
On mobile, these got even more warped: both sides of the phone where completely empty of GUI, whereas previously they nicely scaled to either side.
Checking in studio and studio’s emulator, it all seemed fine. Only when you load into an actual server the descaling starts.
When manually changing all ScreenGuis’ IgnoreGuiInset
property to true, it fixed these issues and filled the entire screen again (just as it did before the new core gui and its reintroduction of the topbar)
All fixed? No, it essentially created more vertical space, resulting in an increased scale of the buttons and stretched out frames.
- Old situation = right scale + fit screen
| - New situation (with gui inset) = slightly smaller scale + no longer fit screen
- New situation (inset ignored) = clearly bigger scale + fits screen
Either way, it fails to mimmic the intended size; it’s descaled either way.
The reintroduction of the topbar has caused descaling. How can this be fixed?
To further clarify:
With the previous Core UI the frames would fit and fill the entire screen when the scale was set as {1,0}
this makes sense as after all, it’s the entire scale
Whereas the new topbar pushes this down (note the large gap at the top)
Trying to fix and remove this gap by either increasing the size or enabling IgnoreGuiInset results in a stretched image and warped scale.
Comparison between filled and current