Scaling Issues on Guis

What do you want to achieve?: Make Guis to fit on all devices and make it scaled correctly

I am DISGUSTINGLY fed up with Guis. I have tried to change the offset to 0 on the X and Y axis, I have tried Autoscale and it still dosen’t work (Even if I looked at tutorials with 2 clicks to work).

Am I doing these steps wrongly or these plugins don’t work?

Please tell me if I am using them wrongly or I’m screwed. Would be helpful if someone found a way or plugin to scale Guis on all devices and when the layout its showed as you wanted on Roblox Studio to be the same in game.

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Well im not sure if you have tried this, as I dont entirely understand what you are trying to say.

To make a gui fit most/every screen, you would have to change the size of the gui.

0.1, 0, 0.1,, 0

This would make it around 1/10 of the width, and height of the gui covering the screen, and if you move it around, and check the user-Interface on each screen, this should work, I hope this is clear :slight_smile:

Hi Thank You for your help. I did try your method but It didn’t seem to work for me. Sorry for the non clear explanation but I am trying to say that I want the Guis to fit on the Roblox app as layed out on studio.

Example: Studio

Example: Roblox Player

You Can see its kind of messed up and thats the problem I want to fix. The other problem (the all devices scaling one) I think you get what I mean.

Do you understand more and does it help what’s my issue?

If you are using uiaspectratioconstraint, probably remove that and see if that changes anything. if you still have any issues add me to team create

Use this video to try to get it to fit on devices, this is the video I used to learn:


This was my problem also thank you so mush for helping me


Scaled it a bit, should work now.

Autoscale, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t actually scale the UI correctly for all devices. The name is quite deceiving. Although it does what the name says (convert from offset to scale, scale to offset, and make the aspect ratio the same), it doesn’t actually fix all your problems. People who tell you to use only scale probably don’t know how useful offset actually is (in fact, if you use any modern os, such as mac and windows, you’d see that there are many UI elements that use offset, i.e., stay the same side for all devices).

To scale for all devices of different sizes you either need to:

  1. Make a new UI for each device
  2. Learn to use both offset and scale as well as other scaling techniques

Scaling UI is pretty simple once you get the hang of it, but it’s quite hard to learn. I’ve made a tutorial on some tips to scale UI:

Although my tutorial doesn’t cover all of the different techniques, it’s a good starting point to get the just of what offset and scale are used for.

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