with this change of scale i need to scale down by about 0.625
I can easily do that with a scale plugin. but the textures don’t change StudsPerTilesU and StudsPerTileV
One solution is to write myself a script real easy. but I’ve been asking myself There’s got to be a better way
so… is there like… a plugin that’ll scale the textures with the models or something?
Not sure if a plugin that does that exists, but making and running a quick script that does that would probably be faster than posting a question, looking for a plugin, installing it, using it, etc.
I’m sure it would be. and I already did that.
this is more for future reference / if anyone else needs help with this.
the code btw is
K = ScaleFactor
for i,v in pairs(Object:GetDescendants()) do
if v.ClassName == 'Texture' then
v.StudsPerTileU = v.StudsPerTileU *K
v.StudsPerTileV = v.StudsPerTileV* K
EDIT: i suppose this is the solution, since no one else has any other suggestions