Welcome to Scary Murder!
this is the official updates changelog board for the game.
scary murder is a game based of Murder Mystery by Nikils and Zyleak. this game is based of by their game. and it’s not copied. the game has brand new roles: COP, INNOCENT, MURDER.
Cop: Find The Murder, and Eliminate the murder!
Murder: Eliminate everyone, also the Cop. your goal to be murder is, Winning the game.
Innocent: Run from the murder, Hide And Survive the Murder!
Change Log
- released the game
- added new weapons
- added roles
- game is in Beta
- added thumbnail and Icon
Game Rules
1: don’t exploiting, this will get you banned from the game.
2: no scamming, this situation will get you Permantly banned from the game.
3: don’t spam, during this will get you Permantly kicked you from the game.
4: don’t team, if you are teaming, you will be kicked from the game by our staff members.
5: no glitching, if you are glitching, you will be automaticly be in the lobby. (patch soon).
6: don’t abuse the weapons, if you abuse a weapon. by throwing the knife every second, or shoot every second, will get you instant ban.
Hope you understand these rules. if you don’t, please relook again.
OutrageousCode - Developer of the game