Schedule publishing of games, assets and descriptions

When publishing something, there will be an option to “Schedule Publish”. If the user selects that, the user will be able to select thumbnails, icons, description, name and more. Badges and Gamepasses can be also scheduled at the same time. The dev can also have the option to schedule it so all severs shut-down for a important update. Maybe they can even loop some schedules so they can constantly chage something in the description.

Why ROBLOX should add this feature?

  1. Quality of Life: Being able to update everything at once really help out, like for example, updating multiple gamepasses at once, or adding new ones.

  2. Pre-Moderation: Don’t you hate when you are updating thumbnails and that dreaded “Moderating” streched thumbnail appears? Well, with this update, that could be solved easily. Thumbnails or others can be moderated before they get published.

  3. Hype: Making players expect an update is great. Even better so, being able to give the players an exact timeframe really helps to get traffic fast. This would be good for both parties. Players can expect exactly when the update is released, and developers don’t need to worry about unexpected events. (Like travelling to another country).

  4. Multitasking: This new function can allow the developer to update everything at once. Including multiple games and their information, gamepasses and badges. This can allow cross-game promotion, like a new sequel being released, but the original being updated at the same time.

  5. Events (or other type of limited-time features) to new developers: While a experienced developer can already make the game handle it’s own events and limited-time stuff (Like a vehicle) New devs don’t yet have the necessary experience to do that. Instead, they can make a new update with limited time stuff, and then scheduling a update that removes that.

  6. Variation: I will use Jailbreak as an example: Remember when Jailbreak changed between 3 thumbnails almost constantly, even when the game itself didn’t update? This update could really ease the pain of manually changing that almost every day.

More reasons coming soon (maybe)