Schemes+ ,plugin to easily edit your script editor

What is this? :

This is a plugin used to edit color of script editor.

What's difference from other plugins? :

It was designed so it is easy to use and understand.
while still trying to keep the most essential features
you'd expect from script editor plugins.

The features :

This plugin offer numerous features.

Editing widget

  • The preview show most of the color changes.
  • 2 Section of preview ,your current one ,one you editing.
  • Categorized color settings and custom name for them.
  • Search tab to find specific color settings.
  • Easily share you theme with “copy” button.
  • most of button’s name is self-explanatory.
    (note that “reset” button only revert all unsaved changes)

Color picker + 140 custom Colors

  • when you clicked on one color setting a Color picker will appear.
  • Color picker comes with pre-made colors ,there are 140 colors.
    and you can use search box to find what you need.


Themes Archives

  • Save as many script editor themes as you want.
  • You can favorite themes so it can be find easily.
  • 4 default Light themes ,9 default Dark themes from plugin.


if you’re looking for preview video
(bad quality warning)

Get plugin here :

Ending note :

I usually change my script editor's color a lot.
maybe it is out of boredom ,so I got an idea.
and so ,made my own cleaner plugin to edit it.
This does look really promising for me but

I'm not professional scriptor by any means
there might be mistake there and there so,
please inform me about my mistake ,Thanks.

Seems very intuitive and easy to use, looks great too. Great job!


Theres already a plugin like this called Studio Essentials. WITH PRESETS

1 Like

That doesn’t invalidate this plugin, though. I also see some improvements over Studio Essentials like a better, cleaner UI and more configuration options.


small update:

  • Fixed BrickColor selector going out of bound.
  • Added a search bar in BrickColor selector.
  • Added outline when selected a color property.

so I just made really bad mistake.
There’s a certain glitch making
BrickColor selector go out of bound.
that was unprofessional of me ,sorry.

now It was fixed ,I also added some small feature in
color picker and other things will be added later.
this is just small update to fix a glitch.

this is awesome, love the ease of use and preview thingy (not sure what else to call it)
great work!

big update:

  • Added 140 selectable colors.
  • Added simple color picker.
  • Improved some code.

plugin have 140 colors you can pick.
and color picker is also here now.

and I Improved things a bit, plugin should be more stable now.
although There are still room for more.

I edited the post to put new preview ,you can check that out.

Plugin ,Post updated

Check the first post

edited the post to make it easier to read. (I hope it is)
I actually updated plugin for a while now ,but I didn’t update the post.

I have a quick technical question because im having trouble finding it for my current project, what is the api used to read/change script editor colors?

from Studio ,you can get it using settings()
this is method I’m using ,not sure about alternatives.

local studio = settings().Studio
studio[property] = ...

I’ll just also give you list of properties ,just for convenient.
as the properties’ name are quite annoying.

local module = {}
module.ordered = {
	[[Selection Background Color]];
	[[Text Color]];
	[[Selection Color]];
	[[Current Line Highlight Color]];
	[[Background Color]];
	[[Number Color]];
	[[String Color]];
	[[Bracket Color]];
	[["nil" Color]];
	[["self" Color]];
	[[Bool Color]];
	[[Operator Color]];
	[["function" Color]];
	[[Luau Keyword Color]];
	[[Keyword Color]];
	[["local" Color]];
	[[Built-in Function Color]];
	[[Function Name Color]];
	[[Method Color]];
	[[Property Color]];
	[[Whitespace Color]];
	[[Comment Color]];
	[["TODO" Color]];
	[[Warning Color]];
	[[Find Selection Background Color]];
	[[Matching Word Background Color]];
	[[Debugger Current Line Color]];
	[[Error Color]];
	[[Debugger Error Line Color]];
	[[Secondary Text Color]];
	[[Menu Item Background Color]];
	[[Primary Text Color]];
	[[Selected Menu Item Background Color]];
	[[Script Editor Scrollbar Handle Color]];
	[[Ruler Color]];
	[[Script Editor Scrollbar Background Color]];

Thank you, This is extremely helpful

Is this broken?

No ,at least for me.
can you describe a problem you encountered?