October 12, 2020, 9:49pm
Hello! Once again, I come before the developers of Roblox to ask for feedback on one of my latest builds. I decided to create a sci-fi generator.
I have textures for the model, but I do not want to put them on now because I may edit it. All feedback is welcome!
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my post, and have an amazing rest of the day or night!
October 12, 2020, 9:54pm
That is VERY good. Its simply and it looks detailed some how.
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It look’s very cool, just one thing I don’t like the rust, it’s a bit odd to see on a sci-fi build.
October 12, 2020, 9:59pm
It’s in a old and abandoned place.
October 12, 2020, 10:26pm
Looks quite clean! Definitely gives me a star wars vibe. I love the exposed glowing bits with the rust on the edges.
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October 12, 2020, 10:51pm
Make the colors of the buttons on the number pad different colors instead of all red.
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October 12, 2020, 10:52pm
It’s part of the game to have them all red until a player presses them.
Very Good build I don’t have negative feed back about the generator.
A detail you could add is cracked glass to make the generator more abandon.
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October 12, 2020, 11:24pm
Id add a little power box at the end.
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looks like the star wars generator, although cool
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I don’t think the corroded metal fits with the sci-fi build. I think it might be better for a city build, or a dystopia build.
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October 13, 2020, 1:36am
I thought the corroded metal would make it fit better into the game’s theme, which is a sci-fi + abandoned feel.
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Oh, I see. That would work then.
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i remade the generator using pbr materials!
think of it as a nuclear generator from fallout!
October 13, 2020, 1:53am
It looks really nice! I think it looks good for a Fall Out type game.
It would fit perfectly in one of those abandoned vaults or in a post-war city.
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