SCI-FI gun model

Hello, this is my first gun model. Did I do it well and what can i improve on it?


You did awesome! I don’t know what you should add anyways, keep up the hard work!


Looks awesome, really like the combination of blue and grey. With that being said, I do feel the red, yellow and blue lines are a bit out of place. Perhaps replace it with dark grey or any colour that fits with the colour scheme.

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thank you for your feedback and for help with the colors. It really looks a lot better


Updated version:

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The only thing that personally sticks out to me is the shapes of some of the parts. It’s a little blocky in some areas and has a couple of awkward bevels. I think I’m seeing it as an inconsistency between some parts being completely round and other parts having a sharp edge. I can see though why this might have been picked as a design choice.

Overall it’s pretty great.

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