Thoughts? i just need some feedback so let me know if theres i need to change i appreciate your answer
Its very bland on the top, Real ships usally have more structures, You have all these cranes but usally ships used for transport have control towers for said cranes along with crews quarters and so on, it just feels too large for its own good, maybe shrink it down and get rid of some of the empty space
Maybe decrease size of the ship or maybe add more things or increase the size of the things on deck
Edit: I like the interior, looks nice!
lol sorry i didnt show the sci fi room
The ship looks pretty empty, i recommend adding more detail to the deck and maybe consider adding some decals to the bow of the ship.
EDIT: Interior looks nice though.
yes sir im planning to add a idk what its called but like op
erator i guess
I agree with @budmomo. The deck of the ship is too bland, and it doesn’t look sci-fi on the outside. Maybe try adding more neon parts and more detail?
thanks for feedback im working on it rn im adding something like blocks thing etc…