I spent literally 12 hours on this lol. Tell me what you think! Its a vr game im releasing in 1-2 months. maybe this will become a sort of devlog?
Try adding better screenshots maybe? And was this made in studio or blender/3ds max/maya/cinema4d?
Woah that’s so cool! Good work I really don’t see anything wrong :D.
Beautiful. If this is going to be a roblox game, I am gonna have to play it!
First off take better and more screenshots.
Now from the one okay picture this is what I think.
Your ship is very plane in colors maybe some stripes, some imperfections (scratches, dents, etc) in the texture can go a long way, the actual model feels very cartoony which might be what your going.
Fantastic I love that you put so much effort into making this.
its really good but the texturing is inconsistent some have no texture and some are very detailed in texture
thats because im awaiting roblox to release their new line of textures. However i had some custom ones i wanted to use so thats why it looks like that temporarily.
not op but this is studio . if you check the second image you can see roblox ui
No I was meaning did he model this in studio.
the models are things i found online. same with pbrs. I script mostly but i did the lighting.
So you actually didn’t make anything?
dude literally look at my tag, Also it STILL took 12 hours. I am a 1 person team i dont have infinite time. Also on 6 other maps i made i modeled everything by hand. I was moreso expirementing with the envioment of the scene. Also i actually did make half the pbrs i just didnt feel like having a paragraph response
Okay. Should have stated that in the topic tho
Do you have any social media where you share your development progress?